Car is damn near stock guys. Motors never been opened up. If I remember correctly, the TType has about 15 or 16 inches in PARK. My GN has 13 or 14 hot in gear, and my ttype has 10-12. The needle moves around a little, not eratic or pulsing or anything. Just depends on engine RPM.
Today......I did a WOT run.........14psi in 1st gear, 15psi in 2nd gear, 16psi in 3rd gear. LAST TIME I WENT TO THE TRACK THIS CAR HAD NO CREEP!!!!!! Does a vac leak cause CREEP? This car used to have SOLID boost, if not lose a pound in 3rd gear.
Anyhow, EGR has a new gasket, and I have the power plate, so the EGR is blocked off. PCV is a stock delco, but I have a check valve coming for it. Most of the vac lines are brand new! Even the hoses on the vac pod. Thanks for the replys.....any other ideas?