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vibration..what else to check


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Mar 21, 2005
i am getting waves of vibration at about 70mph. tires all rebalanced. shop said all u-joints look good. vibration is not in the steering wheel, it is the entire car. what else should i check?

it is driving me nuts,

Usually vibration above 55-60 is in the rear end. Check your shocks for mount and leaks and look at your bushings. Also, do a runout on the wheels by spinning by hand with a reference guide(like a screwdriver or piece of wood) next to the wheel.
have you had your drive shaft or transmission out recently or taken apart for any reason?
Sure it's been checked but Any signs on the tires for bubble/spliting? Starts out very small, could go unoticed. When you have these, car will drive fine up until highway speeds then shankes and all sorts of stuff.
Had the same problem with a mustang.drove me crazy for a year.ended up being a bent axle.Put 2 axles in it from a junk yard and all the vibration disappeared.
Pop it into nuetral (carefully) at the speed the vibration occurs and see if it changes. In nuetral you would be eliminating most of the drive train items, like drive shaft/u-joints, engine/trans mounts/vibrations, etc.
I'd take a close look at the trans rubber mount and make sure it's not laying metal on metal. HTH.
thanks for replies. took tires off had it up in the air and went to 70 and felt vibration. trans was out and rebuilt several months ago. all suspension is new including all bushings front and rear. i do hear a clunk when i put the car in gear. could it be worn rear as that is about the only thing that is not new. also, could the balancer be loose as i have had the front cover off to do the cam. oh. and one more thing, the car does vibrate when at a stop in gear, could it be a broken motor mount?
I believe you should get the tires taken off the rim and get checked internally but my opinon.
As for the clunk when put in gear, i was told that's loose U joints or something in the shaft.

I would just take it to a good/decent suspenison shop, tell them to check it all and show them the clunk, better that way then something breaking on you(unsafe and least of all costly repairs)
took tires off had it up in the air and went to 70 and felt vibration. trans was out and rebuilt several months ago.

Ok take a moment to breath... did you notice the vibration recently or was it after the tranny was rebuilt and put in? Or had you not just had it up to 70mph until now (recently)and noticed it?

Here's what to do or TRY rather. Take your drive shaft loose out of the u-joint and rotate it 180* then put it back in and go for a spin....

You have to put the drive shaft back in the same way you took it out originally, unless you marked it and did put it back... Ask me how I know.:biggrin:

Mine also clunks when i put it in gear. new drive shaft/tranny/ and u'joints also.

Give the above a try will only take 10 min. if you back the car on ramps, block the front tires, pop it in neutral and give it a go. hth.
took tires off had it up in the air and went to 70 and felt vibration. trans was out and rebuilt several months ago.

Ok take a moment to breath... did you notice the vibration recently or was it after the tranny was rebuilt and put in? Or had you not just had it up to 70mph until now (recently)and noticed it?

Here's what to do or TRY rather. Take your drive shaft loose out of the u-joint and rotate it 180* then put it back in and go for a spin....

You have to put the drive shaft back in the same way you took it out originally, unless you marked it and did put it back... Ask me how I know.:biggrin:

Mine also clunks when i put it in gear. new drive shaft/tranny/ and u'joints also.

Give the above a try will only take 10 min. if you back the car on ramps, block the front tires, pop it in neutral and give it a go. hth.

didnt notice after tranny was rebuilt but i dont go on the highway too often either. i will try the driveshaft, if thats not it i will have the rear done.

thanks everyone for your replies.
If the car vibrates in gear at idle that rules out the driveline except for the converter and maybe trans. Make sure the crank bolt didnt loosen up. Take that car to a good gn shop and have it checked. Are you sure its not a misfire? How is oil pressure?Check for metal in the oil. scanmaster? dont drive it till its figuried out.
definately not a misfire or oil problem. car runs like a raped date. no engine noise or anything like that, all scanmaster numbers are right on. just the vibrating is more annoying then anything. it is not causing any driveability problems.
My guess is u joints and or pinion angle. Does the car have adjustable control arms?

Had a vibration in my Hemi Ram that was driving me nuts and it was the rear u joint. Cap had actually fractured. Replaced both u joints and now it is silky smooth again. unfortunately my gas mileage has dropped considerably since I have been enjoying how nice it feels not to have that vibration any more.:D

Put the car safely in the air with ramps/ jackstands. Emergency brake off and trans in neutral and shake the crap out of the driveshaft at each end. If you have a bad u joint you will know it right away. Drivetrain can't be in any bind to check, not sure how you mechanic did it.
My guess is u joints and or pinion angle. Does the car have adjustable control arms?

Had a vibration in my Hemi Ram that was driving me nuts and it was the rear u joint. Cap had actually fractured. Replaced both u joints and now it is silky smooth again. unfortunately my gas mileage has dropped considerably since I have been enjoying how nice it feels not to have that vibration any more.:D

Put the car safely in the air with ramps/ jackstands. Emergency brake off and trans in neutral and shake the crap out of the driveshaft at each end. If you have a bad u joint you will know it right away. Drivetrain can't be in any bind to check, not sure how you mechanic did it.

took it to the shop and they did check them by putting it up in the air and shaking. they said they look ok, however, i dont think they have ever been changed. the trailing arms are all stock. i think i will start by changing the u-joint and go from there.

thank you everyone for your suggestions. i'll work from cheapest to most expensive.
If it vibrates at idle with your foot on the brake I doubt its the u-joint. That would cause the clunk when shifting it into gear. Could be backlash also.
The vibration your feeling has to be coming from the engine or trans.when your sitting still the drive shaft and rear are not turning. Did you check the engine mounts? Make sure the crank bolt is torqued properly. good luck
Oops, didn't see the part that it was making the vibration when car was stopped. Yeah, you can rule out the u-joints then. I think just about every TR out there makes a clunk when you take it out of park.:)

Motor or trans mounts, downpipe up against the frame?