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Vid Of Spy Balloon Shot Down


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He waited until it drifted across the entire US to collect intelligence for the Chinese and then shoots it down over the ocean since it has served it's purpose. Wonder how much he got paid to twiddle his thumbs. 10% is it? What an utter disgrace.
That thing should have been shot down as soon as it entered US airspace ..... Period !!!! That lame ass excuse that it might land on someone ......... in the mountains by Alaska or the heavily populated Montana is crazy . Go up shoot some holes in it to let out the helium and it will drift down !! They make like it will come crashing down like a meteor . They think people are stupid . We should send one over China and tell them they can shoot it down after it gets out over the Pacific . I"m pissed !!!
If it was a Black Balloon the Libs wouldnt dare shoot at it. Being that it was white Its very surprising this Administration didnt shoot it down sooner.
If it were Black It would be given the medal of honor and they would have a bust made to set on the presidents desk.
Kind of wierd that nobody in any comment section has brought this up yet, till i started this morning.
Some great material to use gents, please have at it.
Who knows maybe it identified as black? If thats the case were in for some major riots
JB couldn't "Black Ball" it. So he finally had it shot down, though waaaaaaaayyyyyyy to late.

A Black Balloon would have MATTERED and been left to do as much damage as it possibly could...... peacefully........ :rolleyes:
I wonder what it's pronouns were. I mean, it looks like a booby so it appears to be female, but I would hate to assign gender based on physical characteristics. Of course, it could have been surgically altered...smh
I wonder what it's pronouns were. I mean, it looks like a booby so it appears to be female, but I would hate to assign gender based on physical characteristics. Of course, it could have been surgically altered...smh

It may have had an “add-a-dick-to-me” procedure.
More bullshit from the resident moron and the whore....
The FBI will surely give us a warm, fuzzy feeling.........................Up our ass.
He waited until it drifted across the entire US to collect intelligence for the Chinese and then shoots it down over the ocean since it has served it's purpose. Wonder how much he got paid to twiddle his thumbs. 10% is it? What an utter disgrace.
I don't know, it's a good thing it wasn't carrying a bomb, they could've dropped it on any city they wanted. My question is, Why wasn't it shot down soon as it entered U.S. Airspace. We don't need to go to war with China or any country if we're scared to pop a damn balloon from crossing our airspace
At this point...I'm not sure a bomb from the Chinese would do as much damage as the democrats have done to this country over the past couple years. /tongue-in-cheek
The CCP got a lot more info than what the balloon transmitted back to them...they found out (in a real life scenario) just how incredibly weak our leadership is. This will only imbolden them, IMO.
I don't know, it's a good thing it wasn't carrying a bomb, they could've dropped it on any city they wanted. My question is, Why wasn't it shot down soon as it entered U.S. Airspace. We don't need to go to war with China or any country if we're scared to pop a damn balloon from crossing our airspace

It would not be the first time we were bombed by balloon from an Asia nation.

At this point...I'm not sure a bomb from the Chinese would do as much damage as the democrats have done to this country over the past couple years. /tongue-in-cheek
Said this before in one of our magically disappeared threads... the people in charge need to be charged with treason ... and i don't say that lightly but these dickheads sold their soul and our country.