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Active Member
May 4, 2015
Doing a engine swap from hot air to intercooled and am needing a few parts.
Altenator bracket, the big one everything bolts to preferably with hardware. Also need a turbo drain. Lmk if you have any. Shipped to 68106 please.
I was just looking on there but I didn't see any of the front molded lines I'm looking for. Trying to avoid running an lines if I can help it..
I have a stick feed line. But I do not have a return. You can have the feed for $30 plus whatever shipping is.


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the image jd.. posted is the return. If you want new, check gbody parts. I believe gbody makes a reproduction version
think I have a set ....what you are really gonna need is the long stud that goes through the alt and tensioner , ....
I have the accessory bracket with PS Pump bolts, the belt tensioner bolts ... The long stud for the AC compressor is there, but it's about a quarter inch too short for 86-87 AC for some reason ... I also have a nice GM belt tensioner available ... I can post pics & price tomorrow, just let me know here or via DM what all I need to take pics of ...
John A, Turbohh
Here's pics of the accessory bracket and the GM belt tensioner I have ... As I DM'd I'm asking $75 shipped in the lower 48 States for the bracket and bolts, and $100 shipped for the tensioner ... If you want both, then $150 ... I am lead to believe that the AC compressor stud in the pics may be 1/4" short of the right length for a GM AC compressor ... PayPal is fine ... Let me know what you decide ...
John A, Turbohh
