Weak left front speaker


May 26, 2001
Any idea what could cause the left front speaker to be weak and tinny sounding? Connections are cleaned and reinstalled. No obvious tears or etc. in the speaker. It just sounds bad. About 10% of the volume of the right speaker, and a real bad sound. I don't want to replace the speaker if it's the radio amp or something.
i'm guessing you've checked allready, but if you haven't it i'll make you feel real dumb if you try anything else. is the balance set to 0, or equal?
Trust me, I've fiddled with the balance over and over. It ain't the balance knob. I figure it's either the speaker or the pre-amp or something like that.
you could try another speaker, borrow a rear one if looks easy to remove. or you could go to walmart, buy a cheap set of speakers, try them to find out if its the speaker or not, then box it back up and get your money back;) i've done that plenty of times, never took too much advantage of the situtation like giving them back the bad speaker, just trouble shooting.
Flip the wire connection with the other speaker. If the problem moves, it is your stereo unit. If not, it is the speaker..