Not surprisingly, I'll bet there are VERY few who can answer this one.... While I'm somewhat happy to learn that I'm not the only one with these damn C&C glass tops, I believe you (we) are SOL...
I actually talked to Cars & Concepts in Detroit about 12 years ago to see about acquiring a spare set of weather strips, and after a couple days of searching their warehouse, they called me back and informed me that they had located 2 sets.... that could be mine for the paltry sum of some $450 (each!!), if memory serves.... I about dropped the phone at the time!!!
I never pursued it any further, and just took it for granted that I would have to live with the wind noise/rattle until such time that they leaked water bad enough for me to either A) devise a way to replace them with some other weatherstrip for another application, B) Glue/Seal 'em up, never remove to them again, or C) cut the damn roof off and replace it with a proper hardtop like the car came with in the first place...
This is where I still stand... although I now have other related issues... I need to fix the headliner (board is non-standard) and I'm REALLY scared to do it for fear of breaking said board... (with it's non-standard dome light, non-standardly located).... My tops don't leak water unless I blast 'em with the hose while washing, but the wind roar/rattle is ridiculous.... sorry I don't have a good answer, perhaps together we can come up with a solution????