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What do you all mean when you say add timing?


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That video may be the single best description of what engine timing is, why it needs to vary with RPMs and what happens when it does change. Too bad it does not talk about advancing or retarding timing in relationship to boost but as boost increases, it would make sense, so does engine RPMs which means timing would advance. Now with our cars the chip handles this BUT, if not tuned properly and timing is added (especially in 3th or 4th gear) you end up with basically the same condition as pre-ignition detonation because the fuel is ignited well in advance of the piston reaching TDC. And since that explosion has to go somewhere, i.e. forcing the piston back down on the wrong side of the crank or a huge hole in the piston or out through where the head gasket use to be, which as we all know, all three options are VERY, VERY BAD.
So the moral of the story here is two things:
1) don't screw with timing if you don't have a real good idea of exactly what you are doing, and
2) this really was not a dumb question!