What is it like to live in Kentucky

Re: KY Rules Of The Road

Originally posted by klrv6
Speed limit? What speed limit?[/B]

KY HP are generally unforgiving...well, they were near Ft. Campbell anyways. Always had to watch out on I24 when you cross from TN to KY as the speed limit drops 10 MPH and alot of times HP is not to far down the road waiting.

KY & TN are both nice places, I wish I could convince my wife to get stationed at Campbell again. TN taxes are little pricey compared to KY though.
Re: Re: KY Rules Of The Road

Originally posted by gordyzx9r
KY HP are generally unforgiving...well, they were near Ft. Campbell anyways. Always had to watch out on I24 when you cross from TN to KY as the speed limit drops 10 MPH and alot of times HP is not to far down the road waiting.

KY & TN are both nice places, I wish I could convince my wife to get stationed at Campbell again. TN taxes are little pricey compared to KY though.

Well, yes, our sales taxes are higher, BUT. You have to remember that we have no income tax.
I sure was glad to get off of I65 though!!! It beat me to death.
Got down into TN and onto I40 and breathed a big sigh of relief for the nice smooth ride home.
Some good things about KY

Alot of really nice lakes and rivers if you have a boat, jetski, etc.

Plenty of motorsports , drag strips, stock car racing (Dirt and asphalt), kart racing(which I did for 3 years), plenty of off roading trails( had a a kx500 and later a cannodale 4-wheeler), and Kentucky speedway.

Nice parks, a great family day trip is Mammoth cave national park,
Plenty to explore there and cheap prices also.

6% sales tax

Centrally located. short drive times to Indy, Cincinnati, Nashville, Memphis(Graceland), Smokey Mountains, St. Louis.

The one bad thing is that everyone from other states thinks your missing half your teeth, live in a trailer park, and are barefoot. which in my case is not true.

I travel all over the US in my job and I prefer KY.
By the way, I have more than one pair of shoes.
Re: Re: Re: KY Rules Of The Road

Originally posted by TurboDave
Well, yes, our sales taxes are higher, BUT. You have to remember that we have no income tax.
I sure was glad to get off of I65 though!!! It beat me to death.
Got down into TN and onto I40 and breathed a big sigh of relief for the nice smooth ride home.

Amen to that TurboDave!!
Yall know why they cant solve KY crime.
#1 All the DNA is the same
#2 their are no dental records!
just kiddin
I love that town it couldnt be held at a better place
I've lived in Ky all my life and although it's a little backwards at times, it's a great place to live and raise a family. I get kinda sick of the stereotypes, but what can you do. I have ALL of my teeth and I have more than 1 pair of shoes:D. My family tree has many branches, not one straight up and yes I can read:cool: I guess of all the typical stereotypes about Kentuckians that relates to me is yes I do smoke. All kidding aside, if you ever have the chance to move here you won't regret it. It is a beautiful place to live.
I was impressed! But look where I come from, anything is better than here.. Def a better attitude down there! Nice state Donnie!
Originally posted by Russ Merritt
I was impressed! But look where I come from, anything is better than here.. Def a better attitude down there! Nice state Donnie!

come on man Ma cant be that bad worse then Pa:confused: I really wish my family would move down south but I can see that it will never happen till I get done school and move down there my self :cool: I would even goto Az or Texas hell its gotta be better then pa or nj :mad: :eek:
i live in louisville where it never rains ;) , when it does snow, it usually is 60 degrees the next day and it all melts. i work about 30 miles south, close to fort knox and lots of the soldiers end up staying due to the low cost of living and good climate. the slower pace of life is also addictive.
Originally posted by Russ Merritt
I was impressed! But look where I come from, anything is better than here.. Def a better attitude down there! Nice state Donnie!

Russ I told you you'd love it down here!! Get on back down here and we'll have you talkin' country in no time!:D
Originally posted by evil_gn
i noticed that as soon as i crossed the state line back into maryland, the azzhole drivers came out of the woodwork!
LOL man you've got that right. I've actually been kicking it around and I'm thinking of moving to Ky. You can purchase a lot of house there for very reasonable pricing.

NJTurbo you should have asked what about Maryland. I can tell you a state you DON'T want to move to...;).
We recently heard the the Governors Mansion in Kentucky caught fire..We heard it burned all the way down to the axles..
Originally posted by NJTurbo
We are going South and SOOONNNN:cool:

As a transplant from the North East (boston) to the south...Augusta Ga....I can tell you that I wouldn't go back for anything.

The ONLY thing I miss is my parents but they are retired and come down for a month or two each year.

Kentucky will still get snow though...so if you are running from that....keep going south.