No, not the same tune. It was a street tune (with alky) I've been working on cause I cant get my old one back. Been trying. A laptop is screwed up and it cant come off of it or something. I've been trying to get my original tune back since I deleted the file, accidentally, back in JANUARY

. . The steel shims were leaking like a SOB, which is why I switched to these. I checked my TQ and spent 5 hrs doing the heads.

Thought I had it right but when I loosened them last night I could feel the diff in resistance as I broke them loose.

Im so freaking done with this pile. :frown:

I closed the hood and put all the stuff in the trunk.

Im not sure at this point what the next step should be. Maybe sell this crap and get the V8 turbo swap going.

I have never never never had so many problems with 1 piece of iron. It isnt like that was the first set of heads I've put on. I have never had a set blow out before. My friends 01 SS 425rwhp (N/A) through 9" Ford, 100hp dry shot, is holding up fine after a year on the car. I did all the work to that car, it still runs fine. So does my old Z28 that I heads/cammed.