Whats your favorite beer?

The King of Beers

Originally posted by TurboPhil
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I'll agree with that.:D Thats wicked cool TurboPhil:cool:
Beer runs in my veins..

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Now that's art! Nice work Phil:D

Alexander Kieths Pale Ale. Great Nova Scotia Beer.
Sleeman's Steam

I LOVE beer........:D

GOTS TO BE BUD LIGHT, and if i am demographically inclined a nice rare drink called DNA.
killean's irish red, bud light, cerveza tecate', or corona. then again, it's usually the cheapest thing on the shelf. (i.e. natural light, keystone, old milwalkee's best-ice.:D
Try one of these

take an Ice cold corona, drink about 2 big sips, then take a shot of Bacardi limon and add that into the bottle. Stick your thumb in the top and flip it upside down for a second. Enjoy....watch out after 4-5 of them they will sneak up on you!
I like any Goose Island beer and Guinness/Harps (half and half) but as of latley I've been drinking alot of gin and tonics with Bomb Bay Saphire.;)
My favorite used to be Shiner Bock, and that is what I still drink the most of, but now Abita ranks #1 on my list. The Amber is delicious, and the TurboDog isn't too bad either! If you are ever in New Orleans, take the time to go to the brewery and take the tour. Well worth it! As much free beer as you can hold. I had a glass of the AndyGator there, the only time I've ever seen it. Tour guide said they only put it in kegs, no bottles, and it will kick your ***. It's a barleywine, something like 10+% alcohol. Why they would only put something like that in kegs...

Other. more standard fare that I am partial to would be Bass and Newcastle. Maybe a Fosters or a Red Stripe on a hot summer day.

i like Rootbeer.... why anyone would pay money for something that tastes so horrible is boyond me, I 've never tasted a beer i liked. There are plenty of other good tasting alcholic beverages.
I'm not going to choose one, so I'll throw a couple out there.

Leffe Blond
River Horse Lager
Dogfish Head Pale Ale
Corona (w/ lime, sorry BWeavy, gotta have the lime)

Couple others I liek too, but figured I'd list a couple you might not have tried.

Originally posted by 88 CuttyClassic
i like Rootbeer.... why anyone would pay money for something that tastes so horrible is boyond me, I 've never tasted a beer i liked. There are plenty of other good tasting alcholic beverages.

Oh yeah, Abita makes a dang fine root beer. Got a keg of that sitting in the hospitality room at the brewery too.

Originally posted by JDEstill
Oh yeah, Abita makes a dang fine root beer. Got a keg of that sitting in the hospitality room at the brewery too.

I've had the Abita Root Beer when I got a root beer assortment pack delivered to me. Very good stuff and it's made with "pure Louisiana Cane Sugar".
I don't like the taste of beer at all. I don't drink any other alchohol as a matter of fact. My brother-in-law is a big beer guy, so he insisted I find something to drink when we go out. So, I tried a few and found one I like. Mostly because it doesn't taste like beer. Most "beer drinkers" think its a "chick" beer.

Leinenkugel's Amber Light.

I am up to about 6 a month now...... AA here I come!
All beer is good ,but the one I like that I never buy is Red Stripe,its a Jamacan beer..:D
If you ever invite me over to your house, remind me to bring my own brew.:)