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Where did all my meth go??


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Turbo Milk Jug displacmnt
May 28, 2001
That reads funny...who took it.
A few weeks ago, I pulled the car out and noticed the low fuel light has been sitting for over a month.
Popped the hood and the alky/meth bottle was empty...which is weird cause I keep it full when its going to be sitting for a while, I sure didn't use it all either. Cap seemed to be on tight as well.
I filled it back up, couldn't find any leaks, activated the pump a time or two, still no leaks..... have driven it a few times now running some errands and its still full???

So what would explain how it all emptied out by sitting for a month or so, and now it doesn't loose a drop after refilling and driving some over about a month period?
Can't answer your question but the title to this thread is hilarious!!! haha
Check the grommet at the bottom of the tank. Mine went bad and leaked....couldn't get it to always replicate itself either. It did though.

Easiest way to find leaks is to use water. As alcohol evaporates easy.

Run your hand over the hoses and fittings. Any leak with show up taht way.
Thanks for the tips Jason and Julio, so far it hasn't lost a drop in the 3 weeks since I refilled it even after driving and letting things heat up under the hood and cool of a few times..I'll keep an eye on that gromet.

Yeah..somebody stole my meth and I'm jonesin' for more :D
Thanks for the tips Jason and Julio, so far it hasn't lost a drop in the 3 weeks since I refilled it even after driving and letting things heat up under the hood and cool of a few times..I'll keep an eye on that gromet.

Yeah..somebody stole my meth and I'm jonesin' for more :D

Mine did the same thing....Disappeared after 2 months of sitting...I just assumed evaporation.
Mine did the same thing....Disappeared after 2 months of sitting...I just assumed evaporation.

Be very careful with this guys. I recently was burglarized and all my meth came up missing too!!! ;)

Seriously though I did all the tests and found the pump to be leaking. I never saw a drop of meth. Razor just set me up. I didnt realize how old my kit was. We did a module upgrade with it. So no I have a the led that will change from red to green, and a faceplate too.

Anyways these pumps are getting some time on them now. I pulled out my reciept and I bought the kit in 04'. Razor did advise buying a new pump rather than rebuilding mine. He also set me up with everyting to invert my pump like all the newer kits (i.e. longer pump to filter line, and newer compression fitting to manuver my existing tank to pump).

This just what I found with mine.

here's some pics of someone else that found thier pump leaking too. Mine was leaking in the same place. I tightened the screws which helped for a week.

take a look.....................J
My leak was a slow leak in the feed line to the pump
Finally got bigger and I found it
Good link above, I'll certainly take a closer look at the pump seals, mine is around 5 years old I think cause I installed it then shortly after met Julio at the GSNAts that same year, and that was the 25th Anniv of the yeah, 5 years old.
The car might have a whole 3k miles on it since then...yeah about 6,000 passes down the 1/8 mile sounds about right :D
Good link above, I'll certainly take a closer look at the pump seals, mine is around 5 years old I think cause I installed it then shortly after met Julio at the GSNAts that same year, and that was the 25th Anniv of the yeah, 5 years old.
The car might have a whole 3k miles on it since then...yeah about 6,000 passes down the 1/8 mile sounds about right :D

5 years old and a questionable leak.. its time :D

Cheaper now than if an issue happens.
That's funny because this just happened to me as well. My tank was full in Nov. The car didn't move in over 4 months. When I opened the hood a few weeks ago my tank was low. I thought I was going nuts.
First thing I thought of was a leak. I checked the hoses, fittings, around the pump, etc... nothing. With it evaporating so fast it seems like it would be almost impossible to tell though. My cap did seem like it was not fully sealed, but was maybe only 1/4 turn off at worst. I lost over 1/2 tank of meth. I'm not sure if that much could evaporate that quickly? My kit is new, I just got it last fall so I would hope it's not a pump seal ?

I just refilled it about a week ago and marked the tank level with a piece of painters tape. The level hasn't changed since then.

I was going to post something but felt like an idiot. -lol Glad to hear I am not alone.
Idk what Julio thinks, but my car has sat since August 3rd and the level is still at the mouth of the lid. Maybe my car has a freakishly good sealing lid! The gn is the same way...I wouldn't worry about it though. Unless it's leaking just let it evaporate. It won't evaporate fast enough to make you run out while racing.

I had 4 muffins in the fridge this morning and now there are only two :D

I never had alcohol evap like that. It could also be temperature or humidity. If you pressure the kit and there are no leaks.. it is what it is. Caps are vented on the kit so they are always breathing.

Dont know.. meth gobblins drinking the stuff :D
So far its kept the level since refilling 3 or 4 weeks ago, and even driving it around several times.
I will pressurize the tank and see if any starts leaking somewhere...

How much psi pressure should I pressurize the tank to for a test??
So far its kept the level since refilling 3 or 4 weeks ago, and even driving it around several times.
I will pressurize the tank and see if any starts leaking somewhere...

How much psi pressure should I pressurize the tank to for a test??

I wouldnt pressurize the tank. I would pressurize the system.

Pull the up-pipe off that way the nozzle is on the line, unplug the 3 bar, put the Gain all the way up to 8, turn the ignition ON, and then using a piece of bare wire.. paper clip etc.. jump the green to gray terminals on the MAP plug. This will simulate 30 PSI and run the pump at full pressure. Do this for a few seconds then go look at the pump and the fittings for leaks.

Or you can purchase the tester kit which has the gauge on it and recycles the alcohol back into the tank.

Or send the pump in and i'll be more than happy to run it through the tests.
oh ok, I was thinking if there was a leak somewhere in the gravity fed part adding a tad of pressure to it would make it show up...or it may create some that weren't there before.
I can bench test it per the above, I did something similar when I installed it but I used a compressor fitting and ran gradual pressure up on the MAP slowly from 1 to 30psi, but your methods sounds much easier :)
Thanks Julio
Finally found some time today to pressurize the system with the uppipe off, and there is a leak on the very bottom of the pump.
pm me Julio of where I need to ship it and I'll try to get it off and sent before Tues.
Ever consider you might be sleep-boosting? Just a thought.

I woke up in my GN one night at 4am about 3 weeks after I bought it.

It had nothing to do with beer I promise.
I ran into this same problem yesterday.....the first time I started the Buick in about 2 weeks...last time I ran it the alky tank was full.

I start the car and see the low level light on. Pop the hood and all the alky is gone. WTF.....

I filled the tank just above the feed point to the pump as that's how far down the alky drained....however it's on day 2 and still there.

I'm not liming this as I'd hate to suddenly run out of alky when I needed it the most.

How prone are the seals to leaking?

Might have to invest in a TR parts spare tire tank if Julio sells a long enough hose to the pump and if the low level light can be made to work with it.