Where you been NJTurbo?


Staff member
TurboBuick.Com Supporter!
Dec 7, 2002
Hey Travis, havent seen you around here for awhile. Whats going on? Danielle chasing you around the house to much and you must be way to tired to "surf" :D :D :p
Anyone know about Travis?


He probably went to Vail again!!??;)
thats cute Striker...............

you aint nothin but a hound dog ;)
Sorry guys been busy as hell at the shop. Our Ford dealership service and parts has been really busy. My wife has been taking online courses for Real Estate appraisal and the course is huge, therfore she has been on-line and hogging the computer :( :( I also flew down to Atlanta GA for the race and had a blast, been party for 1 week and my body is cooked and needs a rest. As soon as Danielle is done, i can have my toy back:D

As far as my car and update, i am waiting on my weber cam set-up and then i have all pieces and ready for machine shop. For anyone that is doing a S2 get out your wallet and be patient, it takes a while.

Been missing the board:(

Hurry up Danielle finish and start making me some money woman$$$$:D :D