which chip to buy?


gallo vicioso
Oct 6, 2007
My first GN. It's an 87.

I want to keep it a reliable daily driver, but make it a good weekend warrior (11 second range).

It's bone stock other than and inknown branded ship that was put in several years back be the 2nd owner.

I want to replace the chip with a newer offering.

What's my best chip option that will support the current set up and also a few other bolt ons to get me into the 11 range following one of the published recipes?

Cant give my 2cents yet, my car broke right after i got the chip, but it ran fine while it ran. I like the fact it can be adjusted. Like if you want to spray NOS in 3, or 4th gear, the chip allow you to cut the timing back.
Aaaa, I think the idea is to raise timming when running better fuel. :rolleyes: Not alot of people running nos on these cars.

What broke?
I think I'll also pick up an OEM chip just to have one around in case smog becomes an issue in the future. I'm told they are $65 with a registration at any Buick dealer.

i wouldnt waist my money. eric can also burn you an emissions chip if you need one.