Originally posted by TTA89
Your original post said you wanted mid 11s and did not want to run racegas. I don't think that is a realistic goal.
$1500 bucks for Ported Heads, Cam and Downpipe? Uhh.. Thats pretty cheap. My Heads were $1200 alone.
Mike,I dont think he's arguing that its the easiest way to get mid 11's and yes it's definatly cheaper to run those times on racegas - but if your willing to put in the money it is realistic to think you can run mid 11's on straight pumpgas.
My car again is a perfect example - ported TTA heads,214/210 cam,TE64-1 turbo,V2 intercooler,55# injectors,and a chip from Jim Testa.Nothing exotic or way out there in price.No alchy,no propane,no additives of any sort.Not to mention I'm saddled with a TH400 trans and 3.08 gears I still manage 11.4's at 115-117mph at a hefty 3630 lbs(I have scince gotten it down to 3495 and hope to see 11.3's with some better weather).
I will admit that I plan on running racegas in an attemp for 10 second slips,but just have way too much fun on pumpgas.It's a relief to be able to just drive to the track,pull right into the lanes,and without changing a thing run 11.4-11.5@115-117mph.To me its not worth the agrivation of draining the tank and the cost of spending $5-7 a gallon on racegas to run 1/2 to 3/4 of a second quicker and I think Tony feels the same.
As for your lightning story,it is possible to run into a stock or poorly running TTA

And again,Tony just get the 50's and be done with it
