The lower the pressure output the lower the current draw. And.. the lower the voltage the lower the pressure.
See that pump has 3/8 output fittings designed for much larger hoses, and with a 3/8 hose the 60 PSI its preset at is usually more than adequate.
So, if you decrease the line size it builds up more pressure, and it will bury my 10 AMP supply at 8 volts using 2-M10 jets. At over 130+ PSI(buried guage as well). If you run 12 volts without a pressure switch on a small will self destruct in no time. Assuming no pressure switch.
So to explain your readings, what is happening is that the resistors are absorbing a lot of the voltage and consequently limiting the power to your pump. If you drop the resistance value, the current will increase from 4 to ??? . And so will its output pressure. depending on resistor selected.
Hope this makes some sense...
Unfortunately the resistors dont help with regulation.