white castle?

My woman had told me she had never been to White Castle after we watched Harold and Kumar. Needless to say, shortly thereafter we went to go get some burgers.

The closest White Castle is 40 minutes from me, though. :(
Been eating them since the 60's. Used to hang out with our cars at one in the 70's. An icon in Americana culinary cuisine! Smeller's the feller!!
Reaper, if you asked about a food that you secretly love, plenty of folks would tell you they suck. Just try 'em for yourself. They rock.


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Nice pic, but they bun isn't wet enough to be a real White Castle.
Gonna have to have my bro Fed Ex some fresh ones to me I guess. lol
You know how beer and pretzels are? Multiply that times 1 million and you understand how handy sliders come in when you need something in between beers.
you can get them at the store in the freezer isle then microwave them and they are great
Oh boy, I've been eating these things since I was a kid. I really get a craving for them. Now if I could figure out a way to bottle the by- product and inject it into my motor I wouldn't have to buy an alky kit.:eek: :D
Even though it will be right across the driveway at the Motel 6.....................I'll have to pass! :p
Re: Sliders

Originally posted by Jack Evers
Real close to the real deal, Dathan..

The Chicago Hamburger Company
3749 E. Indian School Road - Phoenix, Arizona
(602) 955-4137
open Mon-Sat: 10:30am-8pm

I eat there once every couple weeks, walking distance from work.
If the Cubs or W-SoX win the Series its free burgers.
I am huge on white castles. They are friggin great!!! They also have the bomb union chips and chicken rings. I was pissed off when they stopped makin the mini corn dogs though. And I can't figure if it is a good thing or a bad thing, but you can buy 'em in the grocery store frozen, pop'em in the microwave - and they tast te exact same as the do when you order them at the drive-thru :confused:
Originally posted by RyansGNdoes10s
I think white castle sucks! just my opinion.

Then you have a problem then, must be the car because Joe Jr doesnt like em either!

You going to the nats?
Yup, I love that there white castle. It's called Krystal down here but I think they are both the same. They taste the same. They are definitely gut bombs that produce the most deadly farts known to man.
oral enemas

for some reason no matter how starving i am i can only eat 5 maxxxx dont kno why. they will clean out your system and just thinking bout w.c i gotta go but im gonna get some anyways right now... wish pc was in bathroom....lollol:eek:
Originally posted by Reaper
Alright now that i have just about everyting in order for Nats. people are talking about White castle and its making me want one.

are they worth the HYpe? i have never had them as i never traved to a city where they have had a resturant. if i hate In and Out buger will i like white castle?

Please lemme know!


IMO they are disgusting! They steam the buns, which makes them soggy (yuk) :xpl:
Originally posted by DCEPTCN

20 days 'til I go to Chicago and get some for myself!

You going to be cruising through Joliet? If so I'll have to meet you up at White Castle and say hi.