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Who drives with a gun in thier car?


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Guns and Ammo

If you shoot someone YOU will being doing the time. VICTUMS have NO RIGHTS!!! Thugs slugs get away with murder all the time.. Oh did i forget to mension thugs have rights just like you! Personally i think the laws are to lax on car theft. I think there should be capital punishment involved in car theft. Perhaps maybe then we wont have this problem!

Move to another neighborhood and befriend new people. Bad thing about these cars is they are a target and attract undesireables!
For now park/hide your car and buy a beater..
I too have see many of your post. You can move to more of a peaceful area, buy a car the will attract less attention or learn that a car is a material object that can be replaced. Do not invest $10,000 in to a car the insurance company values at $1500. I do not carry and have been in some pretty rough areas of Chicago at the worst times.(used to have GN as a DD) I don't drive it as a DD anymore and use good judgement on where I park it.

It's easy to get yourself into trouble, yet extremely hard to get out of!
X2 Ihave always been gunna get a beretta 9mil cause that's what I'm used too(army 9 years), but I have kids and don't wan't the added responsibility! IT IS A RESPOSIBILITY!!!! You can replace your car. If you shoot someome, you will live with it!!!
I keep a Kimber .45 Pro Carry II 1911 with Crimson Trace grips in the truck. MS it is legal to have in the vehicle, but not in the open. Hell, who am I kidding there is a .270wsm, .45-70 gov't single shot breakdown, and an AK-47 out there in the truck right now. The problem with that theory is of course if you are not in the vehicle you can't protect it. If you keep the same friends they may end up with your car and your guns if you keep them in there all the time.
1911's being worn out

I thought all 1911's were worn the f#### out!!!!

funny, heck no those guns are nice, just not a big fan of the grip safety and it being single action. but so is my taurus 45 but it's hammerless. i own a springfield armory 1911a and it's a heck of a gun. don't hate on the 1911 alot of good 1911's out there and the only ones that are worn out are the ones used at the range alot, those are the best ones to keep because they are workhorses. so 83 what have you decided? with your age i'd go along the lines of a mossberg 500A it's like a trenchgun or tactical. So you get alotta shots just depends on what ammo you use. in my opinion your too young to carry a gun in your car regardless if it's a long gun or pistol. i know if you get caught with a pistol your screwed. just talk to a few cops and get to know your state laws or look them up. as i said alot of good advice here but can you honestly live with taking a life over something like your car. sure we're all buick addicts. only thing you should consider is what your car worth the life your willing to take. in another words your putting a price on someones life and life if priceless.
Never leave without my Glock 23... Plenty more options but day in and day out that is my normal carry piece...

I love lasers:biggrin: Viridians are badazz :cool:
I keep a Kimber .45 Pro Carry II 1911 with Crimson Trace grips in the truck. MS it is legal to have in the vehicle, but not in the open. Hell, who am I kidding there is a .270wsm, .45-70 gov't single shot breakdown, and an AK-47 out there in the truck right now. The problem with that theory is of course if you are not in the vehicle you can't protect it. If you keep the same friends they may end up with your car and your guns if you keep them in there all the time.

I hope you got a good alarm:eek:

BTW, how do you like the 270wsm? I got a 300wsm and a 325wsm and plan to fill it out with the 270wsm... I have heard it is a flat shooting awesome caliber... Should be perfect for a plot we are setting up!
In Missouri its legal to have it in the car, just not out in the open without a CCW.

I keep one when I drive around ---
Check your local state laws and requirements on this as they may differ from state to state. In GA, they require a psychological background check. If you do carry, know your weapon, practice gun safety (especially if children are around), and know how to use your piece too!
Ive heard that some people do it legally ie (licensed to carry a concealed weapon) and know people that do it illegaly (sawed offs, sub-machines, high caliber pistols) I need to protect my car a bit more, also while im driving because recently my car has brought some BAD attention and an alarm is'nt going to cut it:mad::mad: (I NEED NEW FRIENDS:mad::()

1-to answer your thread title question. I was GOING to say a ?ussy, BUT seeing that I am in the minority here and really don't want to make any enemies especially paranoid gun carriers, I won't answer your question.

2-You should know that WHILE in your neighborhood you should never ever show of your car weather it be performance or sound system.
3-You should also know that you should always down talk the POS that you drive. So that the neighborhood bums would not gain interest in your car. Dude how old are you? I lived in one of the worst neighborhoods in the country during the late 80s and thru the 90's and I knew this by the age of 10. Example My parents got me my Brand new dream bike a chrome Decade-Pro and before I ever left the house with it I got a brown and a black spray can and just randomly sprayed the bike to make it look like shi t t y So that I wouldn't get mugged for it. When I was asked about the "new" bike I would say "my dad got this POS from the thrift store" So I was riding a brand new $300.00 POS bike that no one wanted or even wanted to be seen standing next to.

Who does'nt carry one? :confused:

Me! And I really don't feel that I need it. 4K lbs. and 300 plus HP can be very useful.
Like they use to say when I was a kid "its all about who gets the jump on who first" and unless you are (let me be very careful on how I go about saying this) highly "aware" (paranoid, scared of your own shadow) of your surroundings some one can and will get the jump on you.
But in the mean time you can end up shooting some unarmed ugly looking dude. That was just going to say "Nice car bro"

BTW I am pro-fire Arm. But seriously these types of "take your gun to put out the garbage" threads make me wonder if I am surrounded by a bunch of punks or if am being naïve??? I think I am being naïve. I guess its time for me to fill out the paper work!!!
Flame suit on - actually pullet-proof suit on:biggrin:
Hmm, if you are young as they are saying, then you don't need to be carrying a gun. Park the car, remove the ecm and battery. I use to live in Tacoma...You will only do something to put yourself in jail and the other guy will walk away laughing...well that's if you don't shoot him dead. Then I hope you like to wash socks for Bubba.
I don't ever want to shoot anyone...

I only carry for protection...

There are some crazy mofos out there...

I agree your life is more important than any material item on earth... However there are people out there now that kill for sport, not to mention if you are robbed by ones that don't like to leave witnesses:eek:
WA state' heres a little INFO for YOU, - State Information For Washington
ONLY if you have a CCW can you have a LOADED handgun in your CAR' BUT a shotgun, a rifle, or similar, on a RACK, in the back window, will be FINE only if you have a PERMIT/LICENSE. just print the page out and find the specific law on line with regards to the state of Washington relating to open carry, and print it out, have some copies, one in the car, one on you if possible in your wallet, so you can show to the Law Enforcement Officer that it is LEGAL.
if this is simply to protect your car; not your person, you're very NEED to get a COMPLETE appraisal of car (check into that on here, i think several members would be able to confirm) from a COMPETENT insurance company who KNOWS what EXACTLY you have, and how much in there (dont just go for overall value, go into the parts, market value of parts, labor, rarity of said parts depending on which parts, sources for said parts) and also if your parents, (if youre living with them) happen to have home owners insurance, then file the car's stuff and sh!t as personal property and see to it that you also have complete prints/copies of policies and such, keep a copy of the registration in the car, put your car title in a safe deposit box at the bank, or a safe at your home;as that will often help get your car back along with paperwork...

it also helps tremendously to put VIN #s on as many parts as possible permanently in order to be able to track down parts....this may sound wayyy overboard, but honestly, its safer than having a gun IN the car, and NOT on your person, and not having it when you need it, i mean come on. someone breaks into the car, hotwire it, or find the gun, steals the gun, use it in crime, they find the gun, serial is registered to YOU....say hello to Bubba unless you can CONCLUSIVELY prove that you were NOT the one using it....

another thing, you are EIGHTEEN, right? in WA, you CANNOT open-carry ANY firearms until 21....thats TWENTY-ONE...thats pretty much 2 and a half years from now.....I;'d do what other suggested, and park the "hooptie" and get a POS crap car, maybe a FWD X body (citation type lol) or the A-body car (Buick Century, Olds CIera, Pontiac 6000, Chevy Celebrity)...the Buick Century and the Oldsmobile CIera had the option of the LG3 FWD 3.8 v6 which is quite similar to the RWD SFI engines, so you;d at least be in keeping with buick v6s ;)
I hope you got a good alarm:eek:

BTW, how do you like the 270wsm? I got a 300wsm and a 325wsm and plan to fill it out with the 270wsm... I have heard it is a flat shooting awesome caliber... Should be perfect for a plot we are setting up!

No Alarm here, just a big stinking dog :p:biggrin:

Seriously, the only reason I have a few in there is deer season has been going on, and they end up piling up. Along with stands and all the other junk.

The .270wsm, I like it, but there are a couple of things. The first is it may be not quite as flat shooting as you would expect. The .300 does a better job of that. I am shooting the Federal Premium Nosler Partitions, with a 100yd zero there is -2.5" at 200 and get this -9.7 at 300 yds. Pretty good drop between 200 and 300, more than I expected. These are 150 grains, but I would not rec anything less. I started with the Remmington Core Lockts, but they did not perform well at all. The first three deer shot did not leave blood trails or have exit woulds, and all three were hit in the front shoulder or neck. (two belly flopped, and one doe made it about 200 yds with no heart left, most would not have found her, but I was very familiar with the place I was hunting and knew where she would be) My contention is the core lockts are giving up on impact at close distances. They were designed for slower moving rounds like a .308 or .30-06. The Nosler Partitions are a bit more expensive but have better terminal performance. I couldn't find the fusion bullets, but I hear they have great performance in the short mag calibers due to their heavy copper jacket. Also, Barnes has a new solid copper bullet designed for the short mags, but again they get very pricey.

What do I like about it, it's relatively easy on the ears and shoulder. Mine is a Browning Eclipse with the bull barrel and monte carlo thumbhole stock. Very heavy, but no felt recoil. Gets old when you have a long walk, but I shoot it good so I don't mind. If you don't mind the recoil of the .300 wsm I would say there is no need to pick up a .270wsm, and def check out some bullet comparisons for both. I was cleaning up and working on a friends .300wsm in a browning synthetic stalker and I did not care for the recoil. Pretty brutal on the shoulder. I am looking very hard at a 300 in one of these

Centerfire Rifles - Model 700 Laminate Thumbhole - Remington Centerfire Rifles

Always been a Browning guy, but a buddy has one like that in a .300 win mag and it is a very nice shooter.

1-to answer your thread title question. I was GOING to say a ?ussy, BUT seeing that I am in the minority here and really don't want to make any enemies especially paranoid gun carriers, I won't answer your question.

2-You should know that WHILE in your neighborhood you should never ever show of your car weather it be performance or sound system.
3-You should also know that you should always down talk the POS that you drive. So that the neighborhood bums would not gain interest in your car. Dude how old are you? I lived in one of the worst neighborhoods in the country during the late 80s and thru the 90's and I knew this by the age of 10. Example My parents got me my Brand new dream bike a chrome Decade-Pro and before I ever left the house with it I got a brown and a black spray can and just randomly sprayed the bike to make it look like shi t t y So that I wouldn't get mugged for it. When I was asked about the "new" bike I would say "my dad got this POS from the thrift store" So I was riding a brand new $300.00 POS bike that no one wanted or even wanted to be seen standing next to.

Me! And I really don't feel that I need it. 4K lbs. and 300 plus HP can be very useful.
Like they use to say when I was a kid "its all about who gets the jump on who first" and unless you are (let me be very careful on how I go about saying this) highly "aware" (paranoid, scared of your own shadow) of your surroundings some one can and will get the jump on you.
But in the mean time you can end up shooting some unarmed ugly looking dude. That was just going to say "Nice car bro"

BTW I am pro-fire Arm. But seriously these types of "take your gun to put out the garbage" threads make me wonder if I am surrounded by a bunch of punks or if am being naïve??? I think I am being naïve. I guess its time for me to fill out the paper work!!!
Flame suit on - actually pullet-proof suit on:biggrin:

LMAO, yeah probably not the best place to piss anybody off :D:D:D

Owning and carrying a gun is a personal choice. I do, but not nearly as much for security as for recreation. The reality of a confrontation is if they get the drop on you, it really doesn't matter how big your gun is or how many rounds it holds. I would be willing to bet that even with the small arsenal I keep around I will never ever have to use any of them in self defense. Nice to know they are there if needed. I look at it this way, how many police officers ever actually use their firearm in the line, and they are confronted with violent situations all the time. As far as theft prevention, locks are for honest people. If a thief wants to get at something bad enough it's hard to stop them.
well obviouslly your young and foolish.. just remember one thing .. IF you pull a gun on someone you better have the balls to use it .. this is not a joking matter. :rolleyes: there ..fixed
well obviouslly your young and foolish.. just remember one thing .. IF you pull a gun on someone you better have the balls to use it .. this is not a joking matter. :rolleyes: there ..fixed


I am glad I dont live where I think I have to carry a gun to be safe, hell my vehicles are unlocked with the keys in them.