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Who to use besides Racetronix?


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Well isn't that the the pot calling the kettle black?

You obviously prefer to be blind to what is going on here as long as you can hijack a feedback thread relating to another vendor and use it to promote your products.
As a staff member you should either maintain your neutrality and moderate or stick your nose out of Racetronix business. Stop sitting on the fence as you so ofter do and poke sticks at other vendors.

We have reached out to these customers and they chose not to identify themselves or engage us in order to resolve their questionable issues.
Instead they chose to sit here on this forum and stir the pot. Its a sickness which has been allowed to fester on this forum for too long.
This thread was not created to obtain resolution.

The dirty water comment is in reference to buying into other people's lies but perhaps you missed that point!!!

Wow, this is one vendor the site can do without. One attacking post after another. If he's not attacking his customers that are having issues with their products, he's attacking other vendors. Not a company that I would ever want to do business with, especially after openly admitting that they've had 1000's of issues with their product they sell. What a "Jack" ass...
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The few parts that I've bought from them in the past were made well. The problem I had is support after the sale, or even prior to sale like answering general questions. Without a doubt they are bottom of the barrel in that area compared to others I have dealt with. I guess the workaround if you absolutely need to use their products is to get it through another dealer?
I was just looking at their 510 LPH DP and it said to e-mail, so I did and their response was it's not available till 3/4 /15 I'm wondering if all their pumps are this way . I'm in the market for a pump and now this happens.
I've bought plenty from them in the past, and like the quality of the parts. I will continue to buy Racetronix stuff, but it will be from a vendor here. That way I can get questions answered before the purchase, and support afterwards.
I installed one Dual In-tank Pump kit. Took me 20 minutes just to get in the Tank. ( Not Good ) I installed 2 Injector Hot Wire Kits. One was on my car. Both cars came back on a Tow Truck because of Poor Connections. So buying again is questionable.
Can't do much about the fitment of the pumps. I'm actually very thankful they found good pumps and the ability to actually fit them in the tank. I think that's bad ass actually cause I didn't want external pumps. The lack of support is/was the worst part. But I bought my stuff before Mike Licht started selling them. Now that people can buy from Mike and let him deal with Racetronix, I don't think people will have many problems at all.
Wow! Just read this entire thread! I have only dealt with one vendor that was bad and I don't plan on dealing with them again. It never got to this level. Kinda sucks not having the thousands of vendors like Chevy and ford!
Just my opinion after reading the entire thread....a picture of the sending unit posted in the tech section might have gotten some replies regarding how it was assembled. A picture sure is worth a thousand words!