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Why isn't BUSH impeached?


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Originally posted by 1QWIK6
1. SPIN.. total spin. That wan't the point. IT WAS WMD (then Saddam)

2). WHo fuking cares... it about WMD.

3) Possibly, but did Clinton invade iraq based on it?
Son, you're out to lunch if you think a SIMPLE QUESTION is SPIN? Why are you afraid to simply answer questions??
To spite the press, TV media, and the paid protesters, the true is still unchanged. This war is about terrorism as it exist around the globe. The thought of a world war is scary, but the other option is far more threatening I think.
Anyone that claims it is about oil is looking way too shallow. Our main problem was the lack of TRUE UN support for this action. The UN was not willing to follow thru on their words, so we had to go it alone. France, Germany, and Russia were all against it due to the same reason as the UN. All these leaders were making billions off of Iraq in the phoney oil for food scam. Their opposition was solely due to the fact they didn't want to give up their personal gravy train.
All of you conspiracy freaks really need to decipher information better than you do now.
Past Congresses are wanting to point fingers at Bush because it was their work that blocked the CIA and the FBI from exchanging information. The past administration is trying to point fingers because they are aware they were offered Bin Ladin no less than 3 times and declined, even after they knew he was responsible for the first WTC bombing and Somalia.
So if you want to be just as deceptive as the aforementioned, go ahead, jump on their ship. But don't cry as it sinks as the truth emerges.
"Past Congresses are wanting to point fingers at Bush because it was their work that blocked the CIA and the FBI from exchanging information. The past administration is trying to point fingers because they are aware they were offered Bin Ladin no less than 3 times and declined"

The FBI and CIA werent exchanging info because of their make up. They're both intel agencys that have a history of not cooperating. The only good thing about 9/11 is the commissioin that has been set up. Hopefully procedural changes will be made to rectify this problem.
Bin Laden wasnt taken out because of our policy of not assasinating foreign nationals and our relationship with Saudi Arabia. Bush Sr. had him, Clinton had him and Bushbaby had him. Who do you want to blame.....The damn democrats of course
More of your normal shallow thinking and mis information we4ster. Congress leading all the way back to 1978 has blocked with laws, the CIA and FBI from exchanging info. Bush Sr. was not offered Bin Laden. Lastly, the Congress passed a law that prohibited our agents from taking out foreign leaders, not individuals such as Bin Laden.
Pointing fingers at the Democrats is not my aim. I simply would like to see liberals such as yourself to think beyond what you hear on the news or in papers
Believe what you like 2quiktocare.

"Congress leading all the way back to 1978 has blocked with laws, the CIA and FBI from exchanging info."

Thats exactly what I said....Their make up...Sorry I didnt word it the way you did...ten lashes for me!

"I simply would like to see liberals such as yourself to think beyond what you hear on the news or in papers"

Not a liberal, not a democrat, not a republican, not a conservative

INDEPENDENT ALL THE party affiliation allows me to choose my own views...Try it! No Rhetoric spoken here!
You need to read more of the Clinton/ OBL non- connection. The guy who allegedly said he had a deal "brokered" to give him to us, lost Billions of $$$$$$ when the UN came down on the Sudan and stopped their oil sales. He has a personal axe to grind w/ the Clinton administration
This thread is great - I just want to tell my position on things.....

My name is Alan and I have ADD. I also am from the southern state of Georgia. That should tell you where I stand. You guys will never convince these liberals of anyhing. But I enjoy reading your posts - and quite a few are very well written. We4ster give it a rest. You and 1qwik6 obviously do not live in the real world. It is sad. It is good to question politicians in our government in the quest to keep them on the up and up - but you guys do it out of total hate. Just admit it - you just do not like this president and move on.

"My name is Alan and I have ADD"


" You and 1qwik6 obviously do not live in the real world"

1. I dont even know 1qwik6, where does he live?

2. I do live in the "real" world, you should join it

Free of political rhetoric.........................I think y'all are jealous
I expected a better response from you there we4ster. But I still got a chuckle from it. Just admit you do not like Bush at all, and that nothing he does will ever make you happy and move on. Go have a beer and get laid - you need it.

A rep with a sense of humor....I didnt think there was such a thing

Get laid, what would the religious right think? shame on you!

Not like bushbaby? whats there to like?
LMAO.......... I am no out of here - going to work on my Buick and have a beer....
Originally posted by suprbuick7
I made a statement about the unpreparedness of the pentagon and how they admit it. You are right about the planned uses for the humvee but it is used in close quater combat situations and is being taken out be small arms fire as well .But your partisan rhetoric spews forth anyway because this administration can not be faulted EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im partisan but the implication you gave doesnt do you any service. You could make an argument about how its deployed but the design is old, having survived several budgets... its not a Bush issue.

In fact, if one were to assume there is a screwup here its really not any one administrations fault. Hows that for partisan? :)

Just because a person or group would choose to do things differently after the fact doesnt always make it "suspicious".

Lastly, if you spend any time on military themed message boards, the armor used has not historically been a big deal to THEM. Maybe it is NOW, but if it is, there is no need for fingerpointing or suspicious wondering.
Originally posted by suprbuick7
Much obliged pointing out my "Pentagon" Typo. snip

You got me. That didnt have any place here... you get a full pass on typos.

Your last statement about how much armor they need was really callous and disturbing, but you have to say that to stay in line, What is a MARINES life worth anway??????? I guess you have no loved one's in harms way over there:confused:

Sorry, too short. I tried to be brief and it left out "the point" I was making. There are a lot of different uses for that vehicle.. some with armor some without. Not ALL of them are (should be) used in situations where heavy armor is warranted. Of course there cant ever be enough armor, which is what I actually meant by that.

No, I dont have anyone over there but have had friends serve and even some WWII vets in the family.

I "get it" enough to have stopped off today at the local AF base to see if they have a need for letters... I care or I wouldnt be in this whacky thread.

PS I have soem typos.
Being an independant or moderate is another way of saying you wait until you see which way the wind blows to make your mind up. Sorry, I have my thoughts and values set up and pretty much see very little gray to any matter. I would never compromise myself by saying I find out what everyone else thinks before I can decide what to think. Funny we4ster how you say you are a moderate but I have yet to see you say anything negative about Clinton's inaction against Saddam, or Bin Laden, or for that matter anything other than negatives for Bush. So much for your agenda not showing thru.
I see where the Muslims were causing crap in southern Thailand today[think I got that right].
What a peace loving bunch.:rolleyes:

do you think there is anyone stupid enough on this board that your propaganda could really be taken serious by them?

in my eyes people like yourself are either feeble minded or ----- being funded by terrorist groups to print your garbage--

hopefully the fbi has you under surveillance 24-7
"Funny we4ster how you say you are a moderate but I have yet to see you say anything negative about Clinton's inaction against Saddam, or Bin Laden, or for that matter anything other than negatives for Bush. So much for your agenda not showing thru."

This thread isnt about Clinton...You want to start one, go ahead.
My agenda is to speak out against an administration that has lied/mislead the public. Being an independent requires a few more working brain cells..If you have any, try it.

Rhetoric Rhetoric Rhetoric
My view is being an independant or moderate takes less brain activity as you have demostrated. You wait until you find a band wagon and jump on.
My view is being an independant or moderate takes less brain activity as you have demostrated. You wait until you find a band wagon and jump on.

Takes less brain activity to make your own decisions and NOT follow the Bush Agenda? :rolleyes: I think you may have the statement backwards... :P

This may come as a shock to you, BUT... Cops lie, Judges lie, your Mom & Dad lie, you lie... and even the president... lies...

So, don't believe everything you hear and make your OWN decisions..
WOW, they do? What a shocker. My thought is it takes more to stand on your own personal convictions (regardless of who thinks likewise) than to rely on faulty information gained on some of the lame and outright lying Internet sources all these accusations are based on too. It is easy to be so negative about everything. Every now and then you may be right, but it's still a very cynical way to live your life.
I don't totally agree with everything Bush has done either, but at least he is doing something instead of just bitching about everything with no answers being given.
All of this is nothing more than just Monday morning quarterbacking by a bunch of uninformed mouth pieces following the normal Democrat talking points. No original thoughts there at all. So just how much thought process does that take?