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Why isn't BUSH impeached?


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I don't believe the words "I will not lie" are in the Presidential oath.

I don't consider myself an advocate of any political party - I choose to use my own decision making skills...
The question (topic) was asked, I'm just stating the answer to your question.
No further discussion is possible when the correct answer is given(and I am correct).
Ask a question, get a correct answer-discussion over.
He did not commit a crime.
If he did, maybe you can enlighten us to the ACTUAL crime as per law.
I'm not saying He (they) did right or wrong, that wasn't the topic. I am answering the question directly asked.
Plain and simple,
he lied/mislead/muddied/falsified, etc etc his reasons for invading/overthrowing hussein and involving the U.S. in a
bloodbath that will continue for years to come and cause the loss of 1,000's of lives and raise the deficit to new highs..

Will he be impeached...................NO

Spin Spin Spin
Lie Lie Lie
Originally posted by zam70
I don't believe the words "I will not lie" are in the Presidential oath.

I don't consider myself an advocate of any political party - I choose to use my own decision making skills...
The question (topic) was asked, I'm just stating the answer to your question.
No further discussion is possible when the correct answer is given(and I am correct).
Ask a question, get a correct answer-discussion over.
He did not commit a crime.
If he did, maybe you can enlighten us to the ACTUAL crime as per law.
I'm not saying He (they) did right or wrong, that wasn't the topic. I am answering the question directly asked.

Scott, thanks for trying to put this senseless thread to sleep. The original question posted here was asked and answered about 200 posts ago, but some people are just too thick for it to sink in. Please, all with COMMON SENSE, (that would be an overwhelming majority of those who have posted here).............let these two, of lesser intellect, just keep talking to each other for the next 400 replies. :D
Originally posted by 1QWIK6

Like I said, I am no lawyer, but I do believe so sort of crime or misdemeanor was commited

You are totally correct 1QWIK6. You are definately not a lawyer, and have proven it time and again. Honestly at this point I question what education you have had if any.

I mean really, is it too much to ask to expect proper spelling and grammar. Honestly though, that is trivial compared to this next issue which is the problem with this entire thread.

Your problem (and with those like you) is that you dont think before you speak (or in this case write). You dont take the time to understand what it is what you are talking about, but instead, rattle off whatever comes to mind.

You just said that you believe that, "some sort of crime or misdemeanor was comitted". Well, it goes without saying that what you believe has nothing to do with the law. (and thank goodness for that) What really puts the burr under my saddle is that the crap that you just posted ISN'T THE STANDARD FOR IMPEACHMENT!!!

I told you to pick up the Constitution and read a bit, which you obviously didn't. But to make things worse I SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU WHAT THE STANDARD WAS. You didnt have to even think for yourself. All you had to do was copy and paste and you couldn't even do that. How do you expect us to take you seriously when you can't even correctly state the law when its right in front of your face.

Again, however, as the compassionate conservative I will do the good deed and put your worries to rest. You see, I AM A LAWYER (assumptions will be your downfall), and let me be the first to tell you that the reason that there is no call for impeachment by any of the democrats/liberals is that they know that Bush hasnt done anything impeachable. Believe me, if there was, they would be the first to pounce on it.

I know I know, your buddy We4ster is chompin at the bit to let us know that it wouldn't happen cause Congress is controlled by the good guys. This may be true, however, if impeachment was only a matter of partisanship don't you think that they would still make a big stink about it to raise the public's eye. You bet they would.

Finally, and in conclusion, rather than sit here and make all sorts of statements ad nauseum about how stupid you just made yourself look by making assumptions about me or what I do for a living, I am going to give you another chance to redeem yourself. Contrary to popular belief we conservatives arent the harsh bunch of nazis that many would want you to believe. So yes, here is your second (well... more like 13th but who's counting) chance.

Now I can't give you a course on evidence or what is admissible in court, but crap like "he had to know" or "with all that intel there was no way he couldn't have known" won't cut it.

Since you posed the inquiry, you have to show us and prove to us (hell I'll even be nice and use the preponderance of the evidence standard) that Bush was absolutely certain that Iraq didn't have WMD's when he decided to go to war.

Second, assuming that you can prove the first, you have to show that Bush's decision to invade Iraq even though he knew that it didn't have WMD's was a high crime or misdemeanor. Remember, Bush gave several reasons other than WMD's for starting this conflict, and that Congress gave him the ok to use this force thus making it legal. Also you must take into account the fact that the President can use troops anytime and anywhere he wants to for 90 days without anyone's approval (see below if you're confused)

I know I know, you're gonna tell me that Bush's lied to Congress and made them think that Iraq had WMD's, meaning that they would have voted differently if they would have known the truth. Well I hate to break it to you but members of Congress have just as much access to classified information as the executive branch does, so if you are gonna put Bush in the crosshairs, you'll have to throw the legislature in as well.

So there you have it, lie or no lie, (which you cannot prove anyways as it requires a state of mind analysis) Bush did not commit an impeachable offense.

I'm looking forward to your well thought out and coherent response.

...on a totally separate topic, We4ster, the President does not have to have a legal/legitimate reason for invading Iraq or any country for that matter. He has 90 days to commit troops anywhere and for any reason he wants. After 90 days he must report to Congress as per the War Powers Act, but since Congress gave him the ok for Iraq, this whole deal was legitimate.
I should think a navy seal would know that, certainly one that served at the time the WPA was passed. That makes me begin to wonder...
This latest news about the armored / unarmored HUMMWV ( hummvee) and the Pantagon's "misjudging" of their need in this theater of war might lead some independent thinkers to the conclusion that this latest episode is another example of what happens in a "rush to war" by an administration ??
Originally posted by suprbuick7
This latest news about the armored / unarmored HUMMWV ( hummvee) and the Pantagon's "misjudging" of their need in this theater of war might lead some independent thinkers to the conclusion that this latest episode is another example of what happens in a "rush to war" by an administration ??

What on earth are you talking about? I just posted:

"GOING TO IRAQ ISNT NEW" Actually, not those words exactly but Im running out of ways to say it.

We had an official position of removing SH before Bush.... it took numerous UN resolutions, many years, and 3 administrations. What rush?

As for armor and the "PANTagon" you need to know this is largely a function of funding not done by the dept of defense OR the President directly. Probably should direct this complaint to congress.

Further, those vehicles were NEVER intended to be anything other that what they are... basically a Jeep replacement.

Finally, even tanks can be taken out by an RPG... just how much armor should they have?
I think it wasnt worth the time I spent.

"...where basic services are no better than they were before this invasion..."

Well, I'll cut slack due to no article date but thats wrong.

Then it bolsters the claim that Bush knew about the tower attacks in advance blahblahblah... then:

"...A choice to preserve what was once a universally admired conscience..."

Bwahahahaa "they" have always disliked us, or anyone similar. How guilty we feel about things doesnt/shouldnt matter. What a hoot.
Originally posted by REDS HOT AIR
so what you guys think about this article ?

They have found the mass graves of 100's of thousands of Iraq Civilians killed by Saddam (a guy who killed his two son's in law, among others) and in a war WHERE ONLY 13,000 civilians are killed, they say America doesn't have a concience. :rolleyes:

This is from the same people that send kids to blow themselves up to kill other kids and women.
GN/GS What are you talking about?????????????????????
I made a statement about the unpreparedness of the pentagon and how they admit it. You are right about the planned uses for the humvee but it is used in close quater combat situations and is being taken out be small arms fire as well .But your partisan rhetoric spews forth anyway because this administration can not be faulted EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much obliged pointing out my "Pentagon" Typo. I 'm sure it made you feel IMPOTENT excuse me I meant important! You didn't even read my post before you tried to twist it's meaning. The Budget is infact developed by the administration, do your homework , it is then approved or not by congress. There were not enough $$$$$ PROPOSED in GWB's budget to pay for the ARMOR to protect those in harms way. Your last statement about how much armor they need was really callous and disturbing, but you have to say that to stay in line, What is a MARINES life worth anway??????? I guess you have no loved one's in harms way over there:confused:
This war is about sparing the "POOR" / "UNFORTUNATE" Iraqi people???????? from their murderous dictator?????:confused:
"...on a totally separate topic, We4ster, the President does not have to have a legal/legitimate reason for invading Iraq or any country for that matter. He has 90 days to commit troops anywhere and for any reason he wants. After 90 days he must report to Congress as per the War Powers Act, but since Congress gave him the ok for Iraq, this whole deal was legitimate.
I should think a navy seal would know that, certainly one that served at the time the WPA was passed. That makes me begin to wonder"...

"Congress gave him the o.k. for one reason only..."9/11". the administration "bent the truth" and tried to tie Saddam to 9/11. This administration has "played upon the fears of the people".
Not all the facts are in, there will be more to come.
Congress does "not" have access to all the same intel as the president, if you believe that you are sadly mistaken. There are groups within the intel section that only report to the Prez and his senior staff. Why do you think Powell was dead set against invading Iraq?
From you bio, you appear to be a law student? Good for you! As a law student you know how easy it is to "bend" the law and the truth.
The "WAR" in Iraq was over a long time ago.. What we have now is a "police action". Our troops are ill prepared for this type of action as they were in Nam. If this were a "Righteous" cause I would suport the administration whole heartedly.

Excerpt from WPA:

It is the purpose of this joint resolution to fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution of the United States and insure that the collective judgement of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicate by the circumstances, and to the continued use of such forces in hostilities or in such situations.
SEC. 2. (b)
Under article I, section 8, of the Constitution, it is specifically provided that the Congress shall have the power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution, not only its own powers but also all other powers vested by the Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.
SEC. 2. (c)
The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.


Afghanistan was a "righteous" cause and we had every right to attack. The sad part is, we have abandon the people of Afghanistan so that bushbaby could go on his religious quest!
**** Cheyney GOP Right Wing Hero??????? 4 Vietnam deferments and 1 for his wife giving birth. Why wouldn't this P#ssy go and fight??:confused: As defense secretary under Bush1 he approved/ endorsed to cut the same defense budget that Kerry is smeared on.:eek:
Originally posted by suprbuick7
This war is about sparing the "POOR" / "UNFORTUNATE" Iraqi people???????? from their murderous dictator?????:confused:

The "Oil for Palaces" program set up by the corrupt UN killed more Iraqi citizens than the Invasion/occupation. Aide organizations were saying 50K people per year from malnutrition/disease. The clearly dated article even hinted Bush knew about 9/11 beforehand. Tin foil hat journalism at it's best.

The Reason's to go into Iraq were multiple. From once and for all disarming the WMDs, to regime change, to creating a non terrorist funding country in the middle east that is a US Ally, to freeing the Shiites and the Kurds, to sending a message to North Korea, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Phillipines and Saudi Arabia that we mean business.
"From once and for all disarming the WMDs, to regime change, to creating a non terrorist funding country in the middle east that is a US Ally, to freeing the Shiites and the Kurds,"

1. No WMD'S found

2. Took a dictatorship and created a terrorist haven

3. Freed the shiites and sunnis and kurds so they can kill each other the minute we leave

Damn, we're doing a great job!