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Why isn't BUSH impeached?


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2quiktocare ,

Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?
Face it, bushbaby has let you down so you have to take it out on the rest of the world. Dont worry, we forgive you..

I'm still waiting for you to exercise some brain activity and answer my question...
I can 't read 10 pages of drivel but I wanted to share my thoughts:

I don't care what the war was about as long as it serves a purpose. America has been the whipping post of any country that felt like taking a shot at us for 20 years now. Every Muslim country on the planet looks at us as an easy mark and an enemy of the state.

I know Iraq wasn't behind the bombing of the trade centers...OBL was...and we will get him too soon enough. Iraq is more about standing up and saying enough...we aren't taking it anymore. Screw with the get the horns. France, Germany and all of the other puke countries of the world can get in are either with us or against us.

The only bad part of this is that Bush is waffling and now he is listening to the polls and trying to play nice nice...we should have continued hard and strong 9 months ago and we would have the boys coming home by now. Instead we are turning it into a political jungle. We need to finish what we started and get to hell out. Who's next?
We4ster, your sarcasm is getting as weak as your idealogy. I see why you have trouble seeing the reality of this whole situation, you mis read intentions as well as projected moods. Go back to psyche 101 and re read your text book please.
"We need to finish what we started and get to hell out."

I couldnt agree more.....But, it wont happen, bushbaby wants to convert the whole middle east....its his religious agenda..

We are not nation builders
BLAH BLAH BLAH, just more of the same old mass media rhetoric. Shallow, empty, and absolutely no thought involved in repeating others ideas. You are right though, get the job done, screw all the dribble coming out of the socialist European countries and the weak mindset Americans. Just go in, get the job done, and to heck with the cry babies.
We4ster's motives are quite clear with his use of "bushbaby" instead of proper names. He claims to disagree with policy but the use of disparaging remarks toward the President clearly defines his ideological agenda. You'd think somone who passes himself off as a sophistocate wouldn't be so transparent.

Live and learn We4ster.
Lets see,

Clinton was slick willie, Ronald Reagan was ronnie raygun, Nixon was tricky ****y...and I came up with bushbaby for Da bush.
Do you even know what a bushbaby is? Look it up!
Its a primitive primate kinda like bush, small brain, not real smart!
Yeah, I dont like him, so what..He isnt running the country, his VP is. Because I dont like him, I'm a democrat....Thats pathetic. I'm concerned about the issues not the rhetoric of either party. I'm not fond of Kerry either, kinda reminds me of Seabiscuit. Your pathetic rhetoric is weak, all I hear is the S.O.S.

Be creative, use "your" brain!
It's too funny We4ster. You claim not to be a flaming democrat liberal, yet all your wording is exactly that of the DNC and all their pointy headed psuedo elitist.
If you think Bush is so stupid, I would say that you have fallen into a trap most arrogant yankees do with Southerners. Just because they have an accent, and they measure their speak, thinking thru a though before opening their mouths does not show stupidity. It shows someone that is genuine and wanting to make sure they are not mis-understood. You should try thinking thru a thought completely yourself before opening that rather overactive piehole you have and making such a fool of yourself.
"It shows someone that is genuine and wanting to make sure they are not mis-understood."

Give me a break, lmao.

Bush lack of eloquence is well know. He has trouble putting more than two sentences together. His attempts at public speaking are very embarassing and sometimes hilarious.
If he is so well studied and intelligent, why did Cheney have to accompany him to the 9/11 hearings? Doh! The administration was scared to death! Why has the power of the VP increased under bush? Doh, Cheney is running this administration. You wont admit it but you know it is true.

When cheney speaks, people listen! I know I do!
When bush speaks, its like watching Homer Simpson....Doh

You seem very angry? Why is that? Did your prescription run out?
Originally posted by We4ster
"It shows someone that is genuine and wanting to make sure they are not mis-understood."

Give me a break, lmao.

Bush lack of eloquence is well know. He has trouble putting more than two sentences together. His attempts at public speaking are very embarassing and sometimes hilarious.
If he is so well studied and intelligent, why did Cheney have to accompany him to the 9/11 hearings? Doh! The administration was scared to death! Why has the power of the VP increased under bush? Doh, Cheney is running this administration. You wont admit it but you know it is true.

When cheney speaks, people listen! I know I do!
When bush speaks, its like watching Homer Simpson....Doh

You seem very angry? Why is that? Did your prescription run out?

This is totally untrue. This is the liberal tripe the elitist media would like people, who don't pay any attention, to believe. If you paid any attention, you'd know that Bush met with the 9/11 commission for three hours when they only expected to be there an hour. Bush did all the talking. Cheyney only replied to questions pertaining to himself. Glad you mentioned, "SCARED TO DEATH". This seems like a good time to point this out again just in case you missed it..............

Originally posted by UNGN
You guys both missed the firestorm on C-span.... It seems Kerry's swift boat "band of brothers" are going to hang him out to dry for accusing them of committing "War Crimes" when he spoke to congress.

They aren't going to go away, either.

Ya know, it's pretty scary to think that many people will actually vote for this devious character to the point where the election could be close. Doesn't say much for the intelligence of Americans. I guess they are easily swayed by left wing media propaganda on their way to the Mall.

Kerry is on both sides of every issue, betrayed his comrades in arms, multiple marriages into money, and is left of Ted Kennedy. Now, he's moving to the center just to look electable. Don't believe it. Kerry is as left wing as you can get.

I don't understand why you wouldn't vote for Bush. Like him or not, he's a strong leader. The economy is good and coming back in strong fashion. Our nation's security is overwhelmingly more important than anything else. Keep that in mind before you cast your vote over some small, selfish, issue.
"This is totally untrue. This is the liberal tripe the elitist media would like people, who don't pay any attention, to believe. If you paid any attention, you'd know that Bush met with the 9/11 commission for three hours when they only expected to be there an hour. Bush did all the talking. Cheyney only replied to questions pertaining to himself."

Prove it....

Funny thing, neither of them was under oath and none of their conversations were recorded? Why is that...?

Why was Cheney in the room with bushbaby?

Clinton was recorded and so was everyone else......

"The truth is out there"
Shouldnt we just vote him out of office? I mean cmon, what "good" has he done? Taken vacation? Being president while our country was attacked?Used war to try and get re-elected? He's a goober!!!
Originally posted by We4ster
Funny thing, neither of them was under oath and none of their conversations were recorded? Why is that...?

Why was Cheney in the room with bushbaby?

Clinton was recorded and so was everyone else......

"The truth is out there"

Ummm... Clinton's wasn't recorded either and HE brought along Sandy Burgers and Bruce Lindsey to the 9/11 panel for his questioning. He could have brought Al along to fetch him water, I guess, but chose not to. I don't think they speak anymore, anyway.

The real question is how come you don't know this? Because the media didn't report this, that's why.

Your are the unknowing victim of Liberal spin, We4ster.
Originally posted by We4ster
"From once and for all disarming the WMDs, to regime change, to creating a non terrorist funding country in the middle east that is a US Ally, to freeing the Shiites and the Kurds,"

1. No WMD'S found

2. Took a dictatorship and created a terrorist haven

3. Freed the shiites and sunnis and kurds so they can kill each other the minute we leave

Damn, we're doing a great job!

You seem to hate Bush solely because of the War in Iraq. There are many other issues than this one to judge him on. Overall, I think he's been pretty good on most of the issues.
Originally posted by We4ster
"From once and for all disarming the WMDs, to regime change, to creating a non terrorist funding country in the middle east that is a US Ally, to freeing the Shiites and the Kurds,"

1. No WMD'S found
*** After 17 resollutions from the UN saying, "stop or else" we can now say "else" finally showed up.

2. Took a dictatorship and created a terrorist haven
*** It wasnt before? Even BBC news knows better.

3. Freed the shiites and sunnis and kurds so they can kill each other the minute we leave
*** At least they can make that CHOICE. lol.

Damn, we're doing a great job!
*** The best part is you are free to vote for the one you think will do better. Of course you should know that the other option is to have an 18th, 19th, 99th resolution.... basically the do nothing approach.

What the F#@K are you spewingfrom your pie hole:confused: get an education before joining this post:D
would you like to discuss it in person-- you are obviously a commo pinko freak - a moron--- a robe wearing-- ali worshoping - rag head wearing --idiot--- you dont belong in this country--i will pay for your flight to iraq
OK Moron,
Tough guy threatening people over the internet!!!!!!????????????:confused: You Feeble minded Scum who aren't educated enough to wipe yourself. But you call people names. real Intelligent??? Loser, Go to a KLAN meeting and don't bother posting. WASTE:D