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Why the difference in these two emblems?


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Yes. Something like that.

The bottom TType emblem came off my 86 TType. The "new" emblem is not the same, thus I am curious to know what it came on. Also, you will notice the 2 buick trunk emblems. One is small and one is huge. I am pretty sure that the small one is the stock one for our cars. I think, from talking to turbofish38, that the larger one is for othe buicks...

Just trying to get additional input.
You have (5) different emblems there. Which ones ru referring to?
Well from what I can see the the T-Type badge with the black outline is correct for an 86 T-Type. The T-Type badge with chrome around it looks like its from a 87-89 Lesabre T-Type.

As far as the lower set of badges go the 3.8SFITURBO looks as if it's the one that belongs on the left side of the trunk on a T-Type/Turbo-T because it has no black outline and all chrome. The hood badge looks the same but with a black outline vs. all chrome.

The small BUICK emblem you have belongs on the right side of the trunk lid on a T-Type/Turbo-T/etc.. Those are very hard to come by.

The larger BUICK emblem im not really sure. Probably from an older Skylark or a Century possibly or maybe an older GS. Not really sure, sorry.
I was most curious about the ttype emblems because I wanted new ones for a restoration. However, these new ones I bought do not seem to be correct. The 87 model TR would have a "T" and not TType as far as I know. I as thinking that maybe these ttype emblems with chrome trim might have gone on 86 Ttypes with a chrome trim package as opposed to the blackout package I have...
I was most curious about the ttype emblems because I wanted new ones for a restoration. However, these new ones I bought do not seem to be correct. The 87 model TR would have a "T" and not TType as far as I know. I as thinking that maybe these ttype emblems with chrome trim might have gone on 86 Ttypes with a chrome trim package as opposed to the blackout package I have...

Well what year is ur car? If it's an 87 then u need the small "T" badge for the fender. They are pretty easy to come by. The T-Type emblem was the same for all T-Types in 86 as far as I know. If ur car is an 86 then the "T" emblem in incorrect but the rest or ur badges are correct except for the larger BUICK badge.
The T-Type badge with chrome around it looks like its from a 87-89 Lesabre T-Type.

It aint from a LeSabre. Those say LeSabre with the word T-Type under it. Do a search. Those are reproduction emblems. Buick only used the black border T-Type emblem.
I was thinking the TTYPE emblems were repro or used for another car. Thank for all the input. My question has been answered.;)
I have an '86 T-Type that came with chrome trim emblems. Bought the car new so I know they have never been replaced.
Did gm ever give an opption on the emblems? Like for insance The blackout or chrome for the limited?