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WHY, WHY, WHY are the ads back?


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The ad removal was for a year, I believe. We have moved the board again and updated it. Things are always changing in the software world. Anyway we will be doing a new campaign soon.
Far as the ads, that is the only way I am able to keep the board going. Sorry guys, just the way it is....
Ad free is coming back soon, just keep an eye out!
As soon as the donation button works again, I'm all in, again.
The ads suck and they are relentless.
This is one of the ads -

Really? We need this here? ( Chuck being the exception :) )
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Im not complaining, just noting this site is the most flooded site with ad's that im on by far.
You should figure out what the yearly price is to remove them and start up another go fund goal in January to have an ad free 2024 , and if the goal is not hit then oh well another year of dental implant and horse manure AD's
I only see one ad. Right after I hit the "New Posts" button. That's it.

I use a computer instead of a phone if that matters.
I only see one ad. Right after I hit the "New Posts" button. That's it.

I use a computer instead of a phone if that matters.
I wonder if it does matter because the phone it’s nonstop
It's way worse on the phone , a lot of pop-ups . I only use my phone for posting pictures , also I can't see signatures on my phone anymore even when turning it sideways . On the laptop it's not bad .
Well, I got my issue fixed via my computer guru buddy. I'll still be donating as soon as it's availble to do so, though!