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Will replacing just injectore hurt anything?


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Active Member
Jul 5, 2003
Will replacing just injector hurt anything?

My Gn is pretty much stock and in the near futture i plan on doing a Walbro 340 pump and adj regulator. Problem is i need to replace mt 165k stock injectors now. i wanted to eventually get a set of 42.5lb injectors in there and was wondering would it matter if i did that first? ive heard its better to have the pump and reg done before the injectors, but will it be ok for a while?
ive been told they are causing my slight hesitation problems when driving @ about 30-45 mph, and also they have 165k original miles on them
I'll let you know in 2 days...if I can find this post again.

I went through this whole homework episode with this question and have similar situation....mostly stock motor with old 110,000 mile injectors.
I debated over this for a while, and on many people's advice here I bought 50's....which are going in the car on saturday.
Yes I would do the fuel pump, hotwire kit and adjustable FPR first as I have done.
The majority opinion is that bigger injectors with better design than stock will be fine as long as you get a chip programmed to control the air/fuel properly for them.I got mine from

hope that helps and I'll let you know...
So am I correct to say that you have done no real troubleshooting on the car, you have just been told that you have bad injectors because of your hesitation problem? I agree that 165K is alot of miles on your injectors but.... then again its alot of miles on all your parts if they are stock.

Next question.... Lets say you put the new injectors and chip in and the car is still hesitating, after spending 400 bucks and this not fixing it, what will you check then?

Also do you have a scanmaster and a fuel pressure gauge?
Yes I also agree with TurboT on his point here....there could be any number of things causing what you describe, even something simple like a collapsed fuel sock, dirty fuel filter, etc. etc.......

And I agree a fuel pressure gauge and scan tool are a must as well.....unless you have money to burn, diagnose the fuel system first.

Go ahead and replace your stock injectors. Doing so may not solve your hesitation problem, but it will certainly solve your injector problems - old, electrically and mechanically tired, gummed up, dubious spray pattern, dubious shutoff, undersized, etc.

Oh, look into 50's or 57's while you're at it - you may find these more to your liking...

hey strikeeagle i got a question for ya, i am looking to get new injectors and would like to get 50's will i have to send my joe lubrant chip back to be adjusted or will i not have to do that? thanks