I think the most important thing, no matter where you live, is BE RESPECTFUL and CONSIDERATE of the officer that pulls you over!
If you get pulled over, roll both windows down. At night roll down windows and turn int. light on! This will put the officer at ease while approaching the vehicle. and DON'T LIE! If asked if you know that tint is illegal say yes and explain that the car is a limited use "show car" and it adds to the appearance! Also state that you rolled your windows down for the officers peace of mind and you are aware of his safety concerns. Chances are he will let you slide!
If you get nailed for speeding, the tint gives the cop an alternative! I rather get a $40.00 equipment ticket than a $180.00 speeding ticket with points!
I had 5% limo tint on my last GN and only got 1 ticket for it in three years, and that was instead of a 70 in a 55 speeding ticket!
New Jesey auto liabillity insurance is "no fault"! They must pay damages up to your policy limit! Even if your drunk, your insurance is liable. (But that doesn't mean you can't be sued for additional damages) They can't refuse to pay because you had window tint! If that were the case, they'd find a loophole out of every situation. (bald tires, brake light out, worn windshield wipers, etc).
Besides, if we were all such law abiding citizens all of our cars would be bone stock and this board would not exist!
It's YOUR car, ENJOY IT!!