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Windows 7......issues anyone? Heres some useful info..


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Darkside in Detroit
Oct 2, 2008
Has anyone had problems that have popped out of nowhere with windows 7? Ive have a brand new Dell studio xps laptop for like 3 months now.. It seems windows update can screw up things that are already working fine...

The first time i just happened to notice windows doing an update and didnt think much of it. The computer prompted me that it had to do a restart,so i let it.. Well when the puter restarted all but 2 of my icons were gone :eek::eek::eek: Im like wtf? So i restart the puter again and still same thing...So i then go into system restore and restore it to a date before the update and everything is back to normal..The computer immediately does the update again only this time it works as it should....:rolleyes:

Today i get on my puter all is well until i click a link to a youtube vid...Everything starts up thumbnails come up but no video i wait and wait ,try to refresh then i get the spinning blue ring...Wait longer and finally try to close the tab,well now nothing i click on firefox works,but everything else i close it out try again but on a different site and get the same thing:mad::mad: Im thinking problem with firefox so i try internet exploder,it starts workin video starts to play then freezes and the same $hit happens :eek::mad::mad:

I rack my brain and then i think lemme check system restore ,and as sure as the sky is blue there it is my puter did a "critical update" Yesterday...I restore it back to before the update and what do ya know everythings working again:rolleyes:

Anyone else have these probs? If so system restore is your friend!!!!
Haven't noticed anything like any of those problems. Keeping fingers crossed. Sounds like you picked up a virus somewhere along the line.
Scanners not showin any viruses and other than that everything has been working great...idk lol..
Everyone is having problems with Firefox and Windows 7 Compatibilities. I switched to Google chrome and have yet to have any issues yet. Give it a try, its free and fast.
My wife got a laptop with the high end of 7... haven't heard her complaining about anything yet... It does seem to "update" a lot though.

I can't tell you much about 7... I installed it on our desktop, with another OS (linux)... and have spent a total of maybe 10min on 7... LOL.

Don't think it's a virus, most likely a compatibility issue with FF.... I'd start using IE8 or try Chrome... Personally, I'd use IE8 till FF gets updated to work.

Wife uses IE, and has had no complaints... Believe me, I would've heard about them.. LOL.
Windows 7 Ultimate and Firefox,Not 1 single problem.

Hopefully it will say that way.:D
I am running 7 with no problems yet either. No firefox for me. IE8 or Chrome...
Good points on the FF issues. I at one point had the latest FF, Google Chrome, and IE8 running and would use them alternatly to test which I liked best.

It only took a week to dump FF. Nothing but problems with it.

I kept Google Chrome for a few more weeks, and had an occasional, random problem, not many but enough to be aggrivating.

Ended up with IE8 which I've been running since it came out. Been trouble free since.
You might go in and tell windows update to d/l the update but don't install until you decide. I've never been a fan of letting windows update do any updates without me knowing what it's trying to install.

I've been running Win7 Pro since the start of the year and no issues.
W7 U 64 with firefox and no problems anywhere.

You say it happens on youtube. You need adobe flash player for youtube to work correctly. Download the latest version from adobe and be sure to opt out of whatever else they try and throw into the download like mcafee security or whatever. Adobe - Adobe Flash Player

BTW: Everyone should make sure their adobe products (flash player, reader) are up to date. More attacks are launched against these vulnerable/older versions than anything else right now. No, it is not just a windows issue anymore, this goes for any os running adobe products.