Winter is almost here


I'm gonna try to get down there next Wed or Fri, depending on what my friend can manage. My GN is all but stock, but I figure some RACEGAS will wake her up, especially with this 40° weather at night. The 60' times there suck (bad prep) but WHATEVAH, it's the closest 1/4 around. Driving 100 mph legally is fun.

Let me know if you plan to go next week, I'll try to keep you informed! Good luck tonight or Friday, I wish I could make it then!!
Hey Weaz

I'm kinda playing it by ear over the next couple weeks. I'm gonna try to go Friday night this week if I can. I'm on call for work this weekend but I think I have next weekend off. I might try to go next Friday also if I can get away with it. I heard Wednesday nights are really crowded. I guess that's "import night".:mad: They has 450 cars there a couple of Wednesday's ago. It's not too far from my house. Let me know when you're going and I'll try to make it.:D
Depending on where you store your car, outside under wraps or in a garage, it is a very nice home for "little wanderers." Set traps, poison, whatever it takes to keep little critters from making a nest in your wiring harness. keep the windows cracked to prevent mildew inside. Like Mark said, I also like to take her out for a spin on nice days when the roads are clean.
I am NH


It is far from salt being put on the roads unless we get a freak storm. I would say you are safe to drive till the snow fly's

I will store my GN in the garage - unheated :( but attached to the house so I can lust at it.

I leave the battery in place but cover it & pop the hood to vent it.
I put blankets on the car & car cover it. On the cement floor I put tarps to block moisture.

every 2 months I can throw on the trickle charger. As 5 months is a long rest period.

It would not hurt to start it up & back it out if the driveway is salt free..

As for the oil that is hard to determine. my car has SYN OIL & at $4 a quart why should I change it to let it sit? Unless I Use it right through next spring,summer & fall 2003?
I am runnign quite a bit of ionized water in my antifreeze right now. SHould I just drain a good portion out and add straight antifreeze?
Originally posted by GNANIMO
I am runnign quite a bit of ionized water in my antifreeze right now. SHould I just drain a good portion out and add straight antifreeze?

Never mind.. I just did it. :)