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Wireless ROCKS!


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JCC Racing Member Forum Tech Advisor
Staff member
May 24, 2001
Just got a Netgear Access Point and 802.11b NIC and this thing ROCKS!!! I got the Netgear after reading the Linksys units range wasnt as good, and it erratically dropped connections. I dunno if it was BS or not, but I also saved $30 on the Netgear stuff over the Linksys.

I dont have the range Mikey (TTA89) does, but I did walk outside and go ~300ft before I lost a signal. That is plenty to reach my garage :)

Anyone looking into removing the wired restrictions should JUMP IN!

BTW: I'm sitting on my couch right now typing this :) is the only way to go. Both my wife and I have laptops and I got a wireless hub. No more phone cords for the dogs to rip out of the walls and we can both be on line at the same time. Will allow 10 users but that would destroy my bandwidth.

I can go about 150 feet from it before I have issues and it is in the basement.

Couch eh? Well I am one up on ya. I am sitting in the tub typing......I know....more info than anyone wanted to know...just cool that I can do it.

If you hear a splash and a zap....that was me.

Kidding...on battery....
also rember if some stranger pass with a wireless laptop they are into
i myself am waiting a little while until the 802.11a stuff comes down in price
Originally posted by gnXfan
Compare your speed to cable. Thx.

To Megapath from the garage:

Your download speed : 1028623 bps, or 1028 kbps.
Browsers would show : about a 125.5 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 937646 bps, or 937 kbps.
Your connection rocks .. above the 1mbit barrier!

Not as good as my desktop but still kicks ass!
Originally posted by boostx
also rember if some stranger pass with a wireless laptop they are into

My drives are password protected. (Although I cant find how on this XP machine. But theres nothing on it, not even any pr0n.) Not a concern. If they know I have a WAP in here and wanna use the web, screw it.
I bought a wireless unit from a guy at work - it was the Linksys WAP, 1 USB transmitter, 2 PCMCIA transmitters and 1 PCI adapter. Got it for $250.

He is moving up to the 802.11a stuff - not as much range, but 72Mbps!!!

For my wifes laptop, at least no she quits tearing up CAT5 cables, and its plenty fast for surfing.

I like it.

Got a new toy to play with. I pulled the plug on my Cisco 2900xl and put in a new one I picked up. A Foundry NetIron GIGSX switch. Much prettier lights then the Cisco had.... :D
Originally posted by boostx
also rember if some stranger pass with a wireless laptop they are into

Not True

Not True

Not True

Well, Not True if you set it up correctly :D

Wireless does Rock :D

As far as the speed goes, you'll never notice a difference. Its 11Mbps vs at best 1.54Mbps for your broadband connection. Think about that, You can't even begin to use what you'll have while surfing the web and most people with hubs at him only have 10Mbps hubs anyways.
Originally posted by TTA89

Not True

Not True

Not True

Well, Not True if you set it up correctly :D

Wireless does Rock :D

most people with hubs at him only have 10Mbps hubs anyways.
I test the Linksys at work to use laptops away from my counters (100') and the connection rocked. Now I'm just waiting for the Airport to approve my plan so that I can use it. I'm sick of replacing cat5.

I use a 100 hub at home :D (netgear)
Originally posted by boostx
also rember if some stranger pass with a wireless laptop they are into

Theoretically that's possible, but if you have encryption set up between the wireless device and the access point you'd need a very powerful computer to break the code. Plus, if you rotate out the pass codes regularly you won't have a problem.

I read about the probs with the Linksys, too, and got a D-Link access point. Works awesome. Have encryption set up on both ends and all the drives are PW protected.

802.11b is 11 Mbps, which is faster than your broadband modem will ever deliver to your PC anyway (at least currently). I saw no difference in surfing performance when I moved to wireless. On the LAN, though, there was a difference in data transfer speeds because I was 100 Mbps before. But, I rarely transfer files between the machines. When I need to move big stuff, I just plug the hard-wired Ethernet card in.

Wireless does rock.....I'm sorry I pulled all that CAT5 through my house now.

Just got a new Sony Laptop. 2ghz P4, 15 inch screen

great computer

unfortunately, i didn't read this post...linksys sux
works well when it works but, man, cannot get the software to even recognize the access point. works but you can't
'plug and play' the modem. if i've unhooked the connection and then rehook - nogo, need to poweroff the modem and the access point

and linksys' web site is down more than.....fill in the joke there.
I got the Netgear after reading the Linksys units range wasnt as good, and it erratically dropped connections

i would have to disagree with the fact that linksys routers dont get good range it also depends on the card that you have in your linksys router is acully overkill for our house i can be in my naboors house and still have it work :D

let me say this i bulit a program so that when you get in range of the network u need a user name and password outher wise it dont work

:D imo linksys are fine but they are a little pricey i just got a relly relly good deal for the router thats why we went with liinksys
I just installed the new format Linksys 802.11G.
5X faster than 802.11B (54MPS)!!
Same range as the B to boot. Only slightly more $ than the 802.11B. I have the Router in the basement and the laptop on the 2nd floor and still can get 54mps. I really love it. Havent have a single problem with it and installation was so simple. The sofware installed on each machine took only 5 mins.