Women Cheat more??


Keyboard Bully
Oct 4, 2004
Whats your opinion..I have this female friend that is drop dead hot,i mean mouths drop when she walks in.she has 2 types of friends,the not so hot ones,which none are cheating ( they would walk in and you would say ehhh,maybe aftr a few :eek:) and then she has this gang of about 7 that are all hot,they are around 40,but all look 30,everyone of them has a boyfriend even tho they are married,i dont know any guys that cheat,or they havent told me;)
but it just seems that women can basically walk in an establishment of any sort from walgreens to a bar and all they have to do is say yes( and we all know womens life goal is to be wanted by all ),,if a guy wants to cheat he has to work at it,court them, jump thru hoops,yada yada..
just puttin this out there in case anyone has a drop dead sexy wife that hits the bar scene,,think twice...
I have a close Buddie that i can tell is going thru something like this,his wifes friends look like hoochie mamas ,and i can tell she is up to something.
my midlife crisis is another buick......
whats your thoughts..
ohh in case your wondering my female friend has been married for 18yrs and has had 4 flings and each has lasted about a yr,,but i can tell there have been way more...yup shes a slut..:D:D
I believe that men and women both cheat evenly, but women are much more secretive about it and can keep thier secrets and infidelitys until thier graves...
I believe that men and women both cheat evenly, but women are much more secretive about it and can keep thier secrets and infidelitys until thier graves...

yes true they are very good at hiding it,she tells me she talks on the phone with her boyfriend right in front of her husband,as if she were talking to a girlfriend.

men cheat for sex
women cheat for a whole different reason,they become emotionally attched

listen, they're all dirty pigs. they are the biggest liars. very far and few are good girls very few. Good luck in finding one.

If you have a wife that gained a few pounds and you were happy before that, don't say a thing! as soon as they loose weight they get attention and they like it. they crave it. and it's over. she's banging someone else.

i've seen it a hundred times. Marriages of fifteen years, she looses 20 to 30 pounds, guys start paying attention to em, next thing you know, you're tasting some other guys c**k!

And these men, who's wives have left them, gone out, and bang everyone around, and then they guy takes em back. Have you no self respect!

You can't spoil em. If they don't stick around, they weren't meant to be. And make em get a job. A free ride is a disaster!

Those are my thoughts.
but it just seems that women can basically walk in an establishment of any sort from walgreens to a bar and all they have to do is say yes( and we all know womens life goal is to be wanted by all ),,if a guy wants to cheat he has to work at it,court them, jump thru hoops,yada yada..
just puttin this out there in case anyone has a drop dead sexy wife that hits the bar scene,,think twice...

I experienced the above luxury of being wanted by any chick I wanted like in the above quote... seriously. I'm married now, but when I was single that was why I spent so much time in SE Asia.... :D None of the bull**** with dating, phone call, IM, and such... most of them are looking to get a hubby and a greencard, and their willing to do whatever it takes to get it. But I met the right one and have since redeemed my sinful ways...:eek:
listen, they're all dirty pigs. they are the biggest liars. very far and few are good girls very few. Good luck in finding one.

If you have a wife that gained a few pounds and you were happy before that, don't say a thing! as soon as they loose weight they get attention and they like it. they crave it. and it's over. she's banging someone else.

i've seen it a hundred times. Marriages of fifteen years, she looses 20 to 30 pounds, guys start paying attention to em, next thing you know, you're tasting some other guys c**k!

And these men, who's wives have left them, gone out, and bang everyone around, and then they guy takes em back. Have you no self respect!

You can't spoil em. If they don't stick around, they weren't meant to be. And make em get a job. A free ride is a disaster!

Those are my thoughts.

Well she doesnt work,so she has all the tiem in the world to visit motel 6 while her hubby works..

but then again you throw them into the work place and they have a million other guys to fck...you cant win..

Im so glade my wife is not like that,maybe i wont say anything about the few pounds she gained.:eek::eek:
The reality is if you are not having a great sex life with your wife, someone else probably is. Of course there is a certain percentage of the population both men and women who are just simply cheaters and get off on the fact that it is wrong, but for the most part cheating can usually be traced right back to the house. Another way to put it is, handle your business at home and another man won't have to do it for you.
as official slut inspector

please send me her name and address,
and I will explain her problems to her,
of course in an official capacity. (HE HE HE )
and I'll take pics, cause as we all know............
This is a funny post!

Of course they cheat more. What did Chris Rock say? People are about as faithful as their options! If you think 30lbs more than you knew somebody to have makes them less attractive to somebody else, then think again too!;) Taking the weight off just makes em attractive to everybody. I used to do married women exclusively. Now I try not to even remember their first names unless crossing them regularly as part of a reformed life choice. Just the same, if you're always respecting a woman then like Assassin says, somebody else is giving her what she needs. Conversely, if you always dominate her, she's got somebody who coddles her on the side. You sure as hell can't just think that she's gonna walk beside you as a team-mate either. Till you can begin to realize the depth of the female mind and the bredth of her psychie you're just filling one or some of her requirements. You gotta pay close attention.
It's less about looks than attitude. A guy's good looks will more easily get him the freaks and skanks, but playing their game will get nearly all of em! Most men don't realize, but deep down they're ALL crazy!:D:D;)
They cheat so much more.

A guy will jump at the opportunity quicker ... but the girl can get it anytime she wants ---
I think after years of being with someone you have to keep things fresh. Kinda like a spring cleaning so to speak. Make sure we are comminicating, taking them out, and doing all the little things we did when we were chasing their skirts. They always want to feel wanted, they always want to be chased, they always want to feel like that young 16 year old girl they once were. The biggest things I have learned from experience is to communicate however I am very careful with courting females who have "guy friends". I know I was friends with lots of girls because if I couldnt **** em I always wanted to remain an option if the situation came about....alls it takes is for the dude to stop doing something and she will run to into the other guys arms for comfort. In the beginning it wont be physical but if the conditions are right...it will lead to that....and the cold part about it...you will never find out unless she wants you to...sneaky cats.
Unless a woman is messing around with another woman then she is simply messing around with another man so to think that men cheat more then women is simply not true.

Do you really think every man who cheats on his wife/gf is cheating with a single woman? Not a chance. Men and women cheat equally period.
listen, they're all dirty pigs. they are the biggest liars. very far and few are good girls very few. Good luck in finding one.

If you have a wife that gained a few pounds and you were happy before that, don't say a thing! as soon as they loose weight they get attention and they like it. they crave it. and it's over. she's banging someone else.

i've seen it a hundred times. Marriages of fifteen years, she looses 20 to 30 pounds, guys start paying attention to em, next thing you know, you're tasting some other guys c**k!

And these men, who's wives have left them, gone out, and bang everyone around, and then they guy takes em back. Have you no self respect!

You can't spoil em. If they don't stick around, they weren't meant to be. And make em get a job. A free ride is a disaster!

Those are my thoughts.

dude have u give it a thought about ur sexuality???maybe u playing in the wrong side of the ball game??lol..j/k.When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 a minute.:D
And i thought i was typing that in a very small room! thanks for clearing that up for me.

Ok, i have a question. Does anyone know a girl who has not cheated? Think about it.

Trying to figure out a woman is like the following statement...
attempting to figure out a woman is like the previous statement...


"Enjoy" the time you're around them, carry on with you're life when they ain't around... :p
but women are much more secretive about it and can keep thier secrets and infidelitys until thier graves...

And thats what they do, all the while badgering you about what they think you are doing.....

Those that accuse you of cheating are the ones doing the cheating.
And thats what they do, all the while badgering you about what they think you are doing.....

Those that accuse you of cheating are the ones doing the cheating.

WOW, that is SUPER TRUE.

I had a long time gf that I later found out was cheating on me.

She was SO adoment about accusing me near the end of our relationship, it was a DAILY thing!!! I wasnt doing ANYTHING, it was her concious eating at her for HER actions ---
According to any recent polls that have been done in the last 10 years or so, it is reported that women definitely admit to cheating and / or having an affair by quite a margin. Don't remember the margin, but it was substantial enough that the results couldn't have been a fluke.