WTB: GN Header Panel


The "Computer Guy"
Feb 2, 2009
I had a fiberglass one from Postons and the tabs broke off and I'd like to go back to factory steel. I would also prefer fair paint. Optimally no clear chipping or major issues. I'll need it shipped to 31088.

Actually guys, GM header panels were made out of SMC ( Sheet Molded Compound) aftermarket ones were fiberglass. Two different materials !!
I stand corrected.
Thanks for the info m233roller
10+ years around these cars and still learning.:)
Its probably not the place to post this reply in a wanted section - but SMC is a process not a material - SMC used by GM is fiberglass used in a molding process with heat and tool pressure to distribute the fiber's and resin , the fiberglass material is termed a charge used in the tool die.
Corvettes are made of SMC panels which are fiberglass , not to say materials other then fiberglass cannot used in A SMC process tho.
I think the aftermarket parts are made with a more traditional hand laid fiberglass sheet process - but thats just a guess thinking the aftermarket would not invest the money in a compression molded fiberglass tool.
Now I stand corrected, Thanks Jeff. Iv'e been at these cars for 20 years and I'm still learning.