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Yellow Buttons. Can't read them.


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Jul 24, 2010
I'm not sure about anyone else,but I can read the yellow buttons. I use an iPhone 5S.

The contrast between the while and yellow is so close,it's nearly impossible to read.

The same thing occurs when someone uses yellow text on a white background.

But these yellow buttons... Any way to change them?

Ok,let me click on this yellow one... I think it sez Create Thread.
Maybe this could use a bump. 2 years and still can't find the post reply button. ;)
Wonder if dusting off an old XT monitor would help. If I'm lucky I'll find me an AT one. That'd be the bees knees!
I've been looking all over for a way to change the color scheme like other forums. Looks like this isn't an issue that's going to get resolved.

I really can't read the white on yellow. This was a really poor layout choice.
If the admins ever want to see a format that works well. They should check out It's a Mopar forum, and it is by far, the best forum layout, and design i've ever used.
I know I don't like it either. We hope to change it on the next skin upgrade.... You can take your mouse and point at the button and the yellow goes away so you can easily read what it says.
If the admins ever want to see a format that works well. They should check out It's a Mopar forum, and it is by far, the best forum layout, and design i've ever used.

You really like that? Thats basic as shit. Looks like a five year old did the skin.

Im not trying to be a smartass, I just dont see the appeal. Its almost an out of the box skin. What do you like about it?
You really like that? Thats basic as shit. Looks like a five year old did the skin.

Im not trying to be a smartass, I just dont see the appeal. Its almost an out of the box skin. What do you like about it?

I like it because it just works. It's simple. No one is here for flash. K.I.S.S. goes a long way on a forum. It has features that you need, like posting pictures, and links. Two different ways to quote a post, the ads don't interfere with the body of the messages, and the pages load quickly. Waiting for a page on this site to load is a serious PIA. Just when you think you've scrolled to the bottom of a page, it keeps loading ads and pictures and you keep scrolling...... and scrolling.
I participate actively in about 5 different forums regularly
A black outline around the White text inside the Yellow button would solve these problems i bet
A black outline around the White text inside the Yellow button would solve these problems i bet

Maybe so. We don't have an art person currently... That's why our own mobile app isn't in the store. I'll look for other options. It's never bothered me so it wasn't high on my list.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yea, this has been my visual pet peeve of the site: the retina burning yellow on white icons/button. Other than that, I like the style/colors used for

It might be fairly easy to correct the existing Theme using the standard Xenforo Admin Style tools.

Here are my thoughts.

The buttons/icons with the most issues are:

· Post Reply button

· Search icon

· Generic user avatar.

Post reply

This could be fixed by updating the white lettering to one of the gray colors used on the site.

So this:
Post Reply 1.jpg

Changes to this:
Post Reply 2.jpg

This is done by changing input class “button.primary “, value “Post Reply” lettering color.

Change color:#FFF to color: #323232; (Changes white lettering to gray)

background-color: rgb(252, 248, 6); is yellow and does not change.


Like the Post Reply button, this could be fixed by updating the white lettering to gray.

So this:
Search 1.jpg

Changes to this:
Search 2.jpg

This is done by changing "uix_icon uix_icon-search"

Change color:#FFF to color: #323232; (Changes white lettering to gray)

background-color: rgb(252, 248, 6); is yellow and does not change.

Generic User Avatar

This one hurts my eyes the most. Playing with it, the Turbobuick green used elsewhere looks pretty good on the avatar.

So this:
Avatar 1.jpg

Changes to this:
Avatar 2.jpg

This is done by changing the style color of the avatar at: <img src="styles/uix_dark/xenforo/avatars/avatar_male_m.png"

Change background-color: rgb(252, 248, 6); to rgb(107,166,94) Changes the bright yellow to the Turbobuick green.

You may be able to do this using the tools referenced here:

Hope this can help.
Dam, give this guy a temporary admin password and let him click a few things. Problem solved !