Tower Shops

Great turnout guy's

Wow! I've never seen that many GN's at the towers before. We had about 26 (?) cars their last night. It was great meeting a bunch of fellow board members (Shawn, Jeff, and others) and talking in person rather than behind the key board. (Maybe we should wear name tags next time. Lol)

Thanks to Gabby, Laz, Tino, Alex, Tommy and everybody else who helped make it possible for my car to be their.

I had alot of you guy's agree with me about going to Moroso the 15th of Feb. (Friday). The track should be awsome, so let's get out their and show the V8 boy's whats up.;)

Well, I think the show far exceeded anyones expectations.

I counted an even 30 cars.

It really was cool to meet you all. I had several people mention name tags, so I will bring some next time.

Thanks to Jeff for getting there early so I could leave. Thanks to Yosh for starting the thread. Thanks to Brad for introducing me to most of you. Thanks to Tony and Virgil for being so enthusiastic.

Sorry we had to move. I got the directions mixed up. At least we know where to park for next time. First section right behind Taco Bell.

I say we do Towers once a month, on the last Friday of the month. Next meet would be February 22.

I have plans for bigger and better things. I know a lot of people were talking about other people that did not show up, So next time we may get 40 cars. Since this thing is so big, I will start advertising and organizing it better.

A lot of you mentioned something about it being dark and something about us all going some where at the same time (like a parade). (four of us did go to fuddruckers after towers) I think it would be a good idea for us to meet at a park one Saturday or Sunday. TY park in Hollywood seems to be right in the middle of Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. It is just off I-95 on Sheridan st. Just South of the Ft. Lauderdale airport. Let me know how you all feel about this and if you prefer a Saturday or a Sunday. If we get enough people, I will collect $5 from each of you at the next meet (February 22), and I will rent a pavillion for sometime in March. It would be great to see all these cars in the daylight. I know most of us have families, so it would be great for the kids too.

I definately want to do a Miami meet. Some of you "La Careta" guys let us know what is a good night and we will set it up... Maybe the third Thursday of the month or something...

Most of you mentioned something about Moroso. I don't know what Wednesday or Friday (1st, last of the month, etc) would be best. If someone who knows the track could chime in, that would be great. I know the SOFASST group meets up there on the second Wednesday of the month, so that would be cool.:cool:
Something at a park would be a great Idea. On a nice sunny day, I bet we could take some really nice pictures of the group. A Sunday would be perfect for me.

As far as "La Careta" goes, It gets really packed on Tuesdays, and it gets even better on Thursdays. One thing to keep in mind is that the parking lot is nowhere near as big as the one at the towers. It would be awsome to have a pack of 30 buicks scaring the sh!t out of everyone their though.

I'm trying to get as many people as possible for the 15th at Moroso. Anybody down?

Hey,Sean good job on friday night,I had a great time.Never seen so many local cars in one spot.The park idea sounds good also.I say next time we use the next row behind where we were,it has lights and then we can spill over to where we were.

Hey y'all.. Gotta say I am Phsyched!!! Y'all realize we could really get this going and it would be big. I mean we are proud owners of a piece of history!! More so than any other car owner be it Mustangs or Vettes. We should show OFF, we got reason. Think about it we know our cars were the fastest production vehicles in 87 but still there really is no production vehicle out even today that can compare.. I mean the mustangs got their goofy place we deserve ours, I mean really how many have y'all taken??

Anyway 'nuff rantin' an ravin.. I agree one day out of the month at towers and the location y'all mentioned is cool. We should also meet up at Moroso on one night too. I would be there if y'all wanna do it on the 15th. Need ta get a initial time slip on "Southern Comfort" anyway. I have been to Moroso and really any day is cool. So we could all take a vote and then make whatever day wins happen once a month. Also, if y'all are serious 'bout this stuff gettin' together for meets an' stuff I would be willing to dedicate space on my WEBPAGE "" that we could use to post a calendar of events. I am in the production phase of my site and plan to have it up in a few weeks. This way everyone would have a place to check up on current events we could post local outings as well as whatever else you think. I have my own server so space is really not an option.

Also, my family has a Motel in the KEYS in Islamorada, we could plan an event there too, you know there is Holiday Isle and even Key West along with other places too. I was raised there and know ALOT of KEY PEOPLE including people at Holiday Isle and stuff. Just a thought.

As far as TY Park, well that is cool too, I have a baby and she would love it. Plus there is also Markham Park and CB Smith park too.. Just some other thoughts. Well, I will be at whatever next event y'all want to set up so let me know and stuff. Hope to see y'all at the next event.

Keep the Enthusiasm Going!

Lets all keep this great enthusiasm going! A lot of great ideas are being suggested for future meets. It was great to see so many of us at one location! At a minimum, (IMO) we should all support meeting at the Tower Shops at least once per month. This was my 1st time there and that place (besides the Davie Cops LOL) really rocks :) Looking forward to the next meets...
Awww, it sucked, everybody was a-holes and nobody had a car as fast/nice as mine!!! ;) J/K

It was great to see that many people there. Even after going to the towers about every friday for 4 years and owning my GN for 4 years, there were still several people I hadn't met. Nametags may be a good idea. I had a good time.

I was thinking (i know, pretty scary) we might want to have music if we meet at a park, but then I remembered daves car. As long as Dave M. shows up with his 2000?, 4000?, 6000? watt system we would be golden. Who's going to be the burger flipper?


Islamorada sounds GREAT! I just drove down there on a motorcycle for lunch at hog heaven last month.

I think a drive down there on a Saturday or Sunday would be great. Why don't you find out when the next big event is (maybe a car show) and we will all go.

Why don't you browse through the "florida log in" thread and notify the keys guys.

BTW, Bick **** and the Extenders are going to be playing at Tarpon Bend in Ft. Lauderdale on Thursday the 31st.

Moroso on Friday the 15th is good for me if it is good with yall.

Should we all meet at towers at 5 or 6pm?
Park day

I think a lot of people work on Saturday and since football is over, Sunday sounds great.

I will pick Sunday March 31st. It will give us two meets at Towers (February 22 and March 29th) to raise the money for the pavillion. I will collect $5 from each person when I had out the name tags.

I am picking TY park becuase it is so close to I-95 and it is right in the middle of the three counties.

Brad, I don't know about the food thing. I think we are to loose right now to commit on a food thing. I would suggest we all just bring subs or sandwiches and do it picnic style. Of course there will be grills there and anyone can BBQ if they want. I just think it would be to hard to organize food.
la careta

How does the 1st Thursday of the month sound? Next one would be February 7.

Hey Guyz!! How y'all doing great to see the enthiusiasm 'round here so lets keep kickin' it up a notch.

TY PARK: Ok, tell ya what, we can't have a pow wow with out hamburgers and franks and stuff. So, I am puttin 20$ in the till for FOOD I will COOK (Us rednecks love a good bar-b-que) in fact I will get my grill and my buddy has one too also a truck. We will bring em and cook us up a reall down home meal. So, anyone else wanna go in on food we should get potato salad and sodas BEEER we need BBEEEERRRRR!!!!!! :cool: !!!! So, let's make this TY Park thing winner. I will even see if I can brew us up a special GN brew as I brew my own beer too. No guarantees as I will have to see if I have enough time.

TOWER: I agree need MUSIC and other stuff. Not to KEEN on the NAME TAG thing, never liked em in school ya know "Hi my name is BOB." I dunno, but hey, I'm game. Lemme know if there is anything I can do.

MOROSO: The 15th I am there!!!! I say instead of meeting at Tower, we should just get our butts there. I know I will be there 'bout 7:00P We will just have to make sure we get enough space for all of us.

TKE KEYS: Well we will have to figure out a date. I will check it with my cousin at the MOTEL and see if it would work out. I could arrange for us all to get lodging and stuff. I will ask her when would be good for her to give us the best rate. She will be away for a few weeks so as soon as I find out will let y'all know.

LA CARRETA: Like I said, I am there. Provide me with an address and see y'all there.

So, hope this all helps. As far as the Website thing thanks SHAWN will get to it I should have it up in about a week. I told Shawn I think we should put other cool stuff like TECH TIPS and we could SHOWCASE our cars like one a month. Stuff like that. Any ideas you all have just lemme know. Y'all an email me at your discretion and stuff or just discuss here.

Well, gotta fly, finished putting new gauges in today. She's got herself a KNOCK GAUGE (Anyone know what this thing does?? and how it should be used??? I know this sounds stupid I have seen them in alot of cars I think I understand the concept but would appreciate any input.), Also got her a TEMP GAUGE and VOLT GAUGE. Future gauges to include BOOST, OIL, FUEL PRESS, and TACH. I went with white faced gauges (Phantom Series by AUTOMETER) they look cool kinda accents the white lettering on the SPEEDO. I think I'm gonna leave it as the WHITE OVERLAY for the SPEEDO I think will be too much. When you guys see them let me know what you think. Sooo, needless to say I am a bit tired so will talk tomorrow.

FOOOOD (Cont.)

Shawn.. I will organize the food thing, I do it for our corporate parties and stuff so I am used to it.

SOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! For all you guyz going to TY PARK get with me on who's bringing what I have a list I am starting so EMAIL me with your offers. Or we can start a POT of course you all know I opened the pot at 20$ and I will get all the stuff and bring it there. Once again, I am offering to organize the food and drinks and of course COOK!!! I make a mean burger!!

That's all now, I am going gotta work tomorrow. So, I will see y'all later.


It was great to meet you all at the Tower Shops. I drove up in my GNX. I am new to this forum but was invited by Yosshimura(Orlando) to join you all at the Tower Shops.

I am in the process of relocating up to Broward so all these meeting activities sound really convenient. Buick meets down in Dade county have been hard to find. Carreta seems to me to be mostly bikers and ricers and Fuddrukkers Miami only seems to draw 3 or 4 cars (I've been showing up in my corvette instead).


Great turn out !...

at one time Laz counted 32 TR's. NOT BAD AT ALL. I have never seen so many together down here and I know of some that couldn't make it despite the early notice.

Thanks to Shawn and Jeff and all that had a hand in organizing. Had a great time !

The Carreta meet is usually heaviest on Thursdays, in the back, by the "Aaron Furniture" place, on Bird Road (SW 40 St.) and 87th Av. at around 10:00pm. It is a smaller parking area which means if you are there after 10:15, it's hard to find a spot.

Nice to have met many of you, great seing so many nice cars including Luigi's GNX which some guy wanted to buy.

I suggest a track rental, they are more flexible then, remember, anything less than a 12 second et, no roll cage and you will be invited OUT !:)
Interesting seeing all you TR people on Fri..... I should've gone around more, I chatted with a few, but don't remember 'net names vs faces on most :confused: :rolleyes:

THe pics I took sucked to say the least :( :mad: .... It was too dark and black cars...:rolleyes: well, you can imagine. I did take 1-2 pics b4 they moved us but there were only 1-2 cars at that point. I will post what I have tonight, atleast you can see a long streak of black cars or something on both sides of the lot :D

JST6-> That March 31st date you mentioned might be Spring Turkey Run at Daytona, not sure on the date...... so it might be a conflict of dates..........then again Daytona might be another meet :D There were about 20 TR's last year BUT alot of dust where they were made to park (east side of track) :( .

Names, I remember Luigi, Jeff, Boost, Shawn, uhhh, now for the faces / cars that I don't remember sign ons/names :confused: ....... white t-type parked next to Boost, are you on here? Black '86 with mods, that was parked next to the silver T type B4 they moved us..... are you on here? Uhh....... Oh, the guy with the beard that was talking to Boost in front of his car........ Which is Laz?

I can't say I will be at all the meets around, but will try to be at most.

For those in Miami, we could also do Fudrucker's on the first Sat of the month...get there 4:30 or so and split around 6-7 b4 the it gets too packed with ricers...... Don't think the show is worth driving for you Broward guys...actually, I am SURE it isn't worth it, as it sucks typically :D

We should probably set up a dyno day. There is a shop here in lauderdale that will do it for about $20 for 3 pulls, and you can be the one in the car doing the pulls. I went with about 25 f-bodys and they were doing about 5-7 cars an hour.
Hey Brad, thanks for reminding me. Do you think you can get the phone number? I will call and set it up.

I am going to pull these converstations in to their own threads:

1. Towers
2. La Carreta
3. Moroso
4. TY park picnic
5. Dyno Day
6. Islamorada

Did I forget anything?
I don't have a phone book handy, but it is Two Friends Racing or Two Friends Automotive or something like that.