Will Cas ruin my Christmas???

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Tony can't get pipes for me until Feb. for the V2. I can't use it now. Any chance I can get a V4 like njturbo got with the fan:D

That is awesome of you!
Ive been waiting for this to happen.....I was treated similarly imo by cas several years ago......but at the time cas was in "good" and I felt that I was definately out gunned by popularity.....

I knew at the time, that time was on my side and I am very pleased that all I had to do was eat crow for alittle while and watch him do his business.........

Now if only we could convince his new ginny pigs of his dealings......the LS1 guys and import guys........I feel sorry for them already......

:D :D :D :D :D
How sad it has become. I am sure the link will be posted on other boards by those that have both cars.

Class act, Mike.
Originally posted by Intercooler

Tony can't get pipes for me until Feb. for the V2.

I have some of those tubes that are left over from paper towel rolls... I could hook you up..... a little duct tape and....

The Law of the Boomerang

I remember in my very earliest days on this board in one of my first posts responding to someone was having extreme difficulties reaching "TDQ & Company"...no response to e-mails...no answering machine...no one answering telephone, etcetera.

I posted in reply how incredibly wonderful it must be to be making products so "in demand" that you didn't have to answer the phone...and yet still had customers ???

That post was from my genuine shock & amazement that someone blessed with some amount of skill & a popular product
could show such callous disregard & disrespect towards his customers. Like, he was too busy to be bothered with it!!

Like, I said, I was in disbelief...& especially that people still considered such as acceptable ???
Moments after posting that response, my post was challenged by
someone posting a reply as if they were addressing and defending TDQ, saying in effect, it would cause his prices to go up by hiring someone to answer phones...blah/blah/blah...i.e., excusing his irresponsibility, negating all the concerns of his customers' complaints, as if they'd better just be satisfied with possibly getting the product "sometime", and quit hounding this poor overworked "artist".

So, that's a partial explanation of how he's remained in business thus far...people have apparently believed that...for a long time!!

Making intercoolers or radiators is hardly a lost-art...more are being made every day, by more & more companies, with new materials & improved methods. Prices are dropping, & more & more do not have a core charge. Making intercoolers is not brain-surgery, & honesty, integrity, & genuine customer service are not new concepts.

I love seeing the reliable, quality, Customer-Focused businesses thrive! And vice versa. That's the Law of the Boomerang.

HTH :)

Help stamp out Customer Bashing!
LOL...I know who it ISN'T from...

Thanks, Danielle! I'll be sure and check it...not at home at moment...coupla states away till tomorrow.

Many thanks!!

:) :) :)

Help Stamp Out Customer Bashing!
Re: Two Lane

Originally posted by Bitch-in-GN

You know today is the Kings Birthday. The real King that is....
:D :D :D :D

You're referring to Howard Stern, right? He IS the King of All Media......
Mike Licht

Sounds like a h*** uv a guy!! What a way to treat people. I think we all should move our T/R business to RAMCHARGERS, that is excellant customer service! Way to go Mike, you have my business as well as many others already:)
Reading this thread makes me just itch to say this.

Some people walk around here talking about other vendors like they are angels. This is a fact: we are all human.

Not defending Tony. People talk about my shop (on other boards) like we are the greatest thing since sliced bread. But the truth is, we are people working hard to satisfy our customers. I didn't "get it" until I worked for a vendor. The truth is, Cottonand Kirban are a business men, Mike and Dave are great guys.... we are all want you the enthusiast to be happy.

Re: Re: Re: Two Lane

Originally posted by Bitch-in-GN
Elvis Presley Jan. 8, 1935---Aug. 16, 1977
The KING of Rock N Roll:cool:

Like I said, The REAL King that is.......:D
Oooohhhh, considering all that's happening in the world today I was getting confused with the Kings of all the Middle Eastern nations mentioned in the news. Then there is Johnny Holmes but that's a totally different kind of king....:D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Two Lane

Originally posted by TurboDiverArt
Oooohhhh, considering all that's happening in the world today I was getting confused with the Kings of all the Middle Eastern nations mentioned in the news. Then there is Johnny Holmes but that's a totally different kind of king....:D

Before Elvis there was nothing Quote (John Lennon)

:eek: :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Two Lane

Originally posted by njturbo
Before Elvis there was nothing Quote (John Lennon)

:eek: :D
Like I told ya before, not really a Beatles fan either...... Did he (Lennon) mention anything about Kings, musically or leadership wise or just that civilization as we know it didn't exist before Jan. 8, 1935? ;)
Originally posted by Bitch-in-GN
"Going to become"??:D
Well all I can say is, catch me if you can..... Oh $hit forgot, stage car is down and fat kids can’t run that fast. Looks like I'm in trouble. Remember I have one of you at home too but it's Bitch-In-Subaru-Impreza!! Bet you're shaking in your heels now!!
Originally posted by TurboDiverArt
UhOh! Is Bitch-In-GN going to become just B I T C H :eek:

Watch it:D

Glad this thread has turned around, thanks to Mike. ;)

Get cleaning woman:D
This priceless banter cements the value of this STICKY thread as one for the archives... no, a time-capsule. I now understand why some are so adamant in their belief that it would be a crime to delete it.


Originally posted by Bitch-in-GN
I think YOU are the one who should be shaking. ha ha. Especially if you are dealing with one on the board and then one at home also......:D Just remember Im the one in the GN....:eek:

Yeah, but I've got 2 of them (GN's), both going faster than 12.0. :eek:

I'm not sure what makes me shake in my shoes more:

1). People that go to Star Trek conventions dressed as Klingon's

2). Enduring Chinese water torture

3). Rabid Elvis fans

I think if I were stranded on a deserted island and given the above choices, I'd decide to swim for it in shark infested waters and hope for the best... :D
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