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02 WS6 "Sorry didn't mean to embarass you."


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Mar 17, 2002
Well last night Mike and I went out in the TTA looking for some nice Ricer to embarass. Well better then that we ran a crossed some kid I used to go to school with. Well he had bought a 02 WS6 at the begining of the year and had since put 4.10's in and some other mods. Well he pulls up to me and says whats up didn't you have a red one. Reffering to my pathitic 88 GTA 350. I say yeah but this ones faster. He acts all tough and was like really? "How fast?" I simple replay with "Fast enough." Well this is where he dropes it down a gear and I can hear the car just itching to go. So I am more then happy to show why my car is still the quickest pruduction Trans Am. Well he hits it and I don't even take it out of OD well with in sec. I am in Boost and walking him pretty bad. Well this is where he still in disbelief say yeah but can it run from a stop. I just look at him and chuckle. Well he follows me to a light where we wait for it to turn red so I am not paying attention thinking I have time when all of a sodden hes off! I was like oh crap so I not thinking jump on the gas. This results in the bigest intersection burnout ever. I go all the way acrossed the inter section spinning then the car hist 3rd and it finaly grabs but buy this time we were so far behind I just gave up. Well I roll up next to him a say I can't get traction in the cold. So we decide to go from a slow roll. Well this time i have to prove that the first run wasn't just luck so I brake boost it up to like 1 psi and let him have the jump. Well he goes and soon I am all over him and pulling easly. So we say our good byes and go our seperate ways.
Good kill - lol some Mustang guys I have raced jump the gun a lot, too.

I am coming to trader joes this weekend if I am in town. My parents know what I'm going to go to so I *probably* won't have the Buick but I might have my Mustang, otherwise I'll just come to watch.
Great attempted kill but please learn to start a sentence with something other than WELL.
Originally posted by tlturbo
Great attempted kill but please learn to start a sentence with something other than WELL.

Hey thaks A**hole anything else I can get you. And what do you mean by attemped Kill. Because I lost to him for the dig. Whatever. WELL later.
WELL good kill.......and tlturbo you have no class.well dont you think so.???????
Nice Kill.... Can't wait to get to some of my old classmates who thought my car was slooow. What do they know!:rolleyes:
Well, Would it be the white one we saw that night you came over? Well I think you said his name was Josh.

Well 2 days ago, I pulled a purpleish one, surprised the hell out of him, had to let out as we approached traffic, but got a good fender from about 40 to 70 on golflinks.
Sounds like you have a good runner there....congrats.

One quick comment....

So I am more then happy to show why my car is still the quickest pruduction Trans Am.

I disagree with this. From the factory, I don't think an 89 TTA - with absolutely no mods, tricks, or tuning - would outrun a LS1 T/A - especially not the 01/02 versions. No offense intended, and not trying to start anything. It's just a statement. :)
In bone stock form I have seen TTAs run low 13's to high 12's with a good launch so how would a bone stock 01/02 LS1 TA be any faster?? All the mags like Car and Driver still consider the '89 TTA to be the fastest T/A ever made cause I watched the one Car and Driver they had on TV where they talked about the '02 LS1 T/A and the history of T/As and they did mention that the '89 TTA with the Buick Turbo V6 was the fastest ever made :) Also, to I have not seen many A4 LS1 F-bodies (even the 01/02 cars) running low 13's in bone stock form (most if not all the stock LS1 F-bodies running low 13's to high 12's are 6spd cars with real good drivers like Evan Smith for example).... Just my .02:cool:

BTW Bob, are you still up for the race in March with Alex (blackshoebox) cause I know he can't wait for this race to go down:D
Hello Brick. In 100% bone stock, not touched, not tuned, not have the boost turne up, not nuthin form, I have never read about, nor heard of an 89 TTA running high 12's. Perhaps low 13's (13.2 or 13.3), but not high 12's. That is not to disrespect the car at ALL, it is a near, fast car. In fact, up till the LS1 came out, it is the ONLY F-body I've ever wanted.

I can, however, show you magazine articles (for you magazine racers) and point to links of 12.8, 12.9, and 13.0 LS1 F-bodies. Some might be Z28's and/or SS's, but the cars are functionally identical. Additionally, I was driving and racing back when the 89 TTA's were new. My best racing buddy in Illinois (where I lived at the time) had one, and I even had the chance to take it down the track a time or two (Coles County). Again, awesome car.

The LS1 F-body is available in both A4 and M6 form. I didn't know we were limiting the tranny because the TTA only had the 200R.

As for Alex, tell him that I am not going to be running the NMRA this year, and as such, will not be coming to Bradenton. New assignment is going to put a serious hurting on my racing opportunities this year (I'm active duty USN). However, if nothing else, we can internet race with timeslips. I'm down to 11.67 so far. How is he doing? :)

BTW....GTABurnout...I've likely and inadvertantly hijacked your thread. I apologize for that.
Bob, I'm sorry to hear that you won't be able to make the race with Alex at Bradenton.... I think Alex's car is running better and last he told me he will be doing a track rental very soon so we shall see:cool: As far as the TTA running high 12's bone stock I have seen one run 12.97 @104+mph at Atco about 5 years ago when I was up visiting with my relatives and this car was a 15K mile bone stock untouched car and I think somebody had a video of one running in the 12's in stock form, but I don't know for sure.... Either way both run pretty strong in stock form, but this really depends on the driver cause last time I was at the track there was one guy who had an '01 6spd WS6 T/A w/ a lid and exhaust and this guy was running 13.70's @107mph:o, meanwhile my friends bone stock '02 SS 6spd Camaro is running 13.20's @106mph so you know the guy with the T/A couldn't driver worth a damn.... I really don't understand why guys who can't drive go out and buy a 6spd LS1 F-body instead of an A4 car:confused: Oh well!

Happy New Year to everybody!:) :cool:
Well my magazine is faster then your magazine. So there. Lets deal with each car as an individual.
I have no problem agreeing to disagree.

Brick...let me know what Alex runs. Perhaps they won't be "secret" this time. :D
Oh well. In a street race to 70-80...a stock TTA owns any stock LS-1. No N/A F-Body car can compete with a boosted launch of the Turbo V-6 or 87 GN...unless the driver of the Turbo car is a lame a@@. As for stock TTAs hitting high 12s...that's entirely possible if the driver is good and the gas is at least 94 octane...not that lame 91 stuff.
OK, I don't think it would be possible to get a bone stock TTA into the 12's if you consider bone stock being stock tires also. The factory Gatorbacks are only good for about a 2.3 60' which would make it Very difficult. I guess it all depends on what you call stock, I would call mine stock, and it has gone 12's, but not like it is on the street with crap for gas.
No N/A F-Body car can compete with a boosted launch of the Turbo V-6 or 87 GN

I'm not trying to be arguementative here, but that statement is at best misleading, and at worst down right long. Obviously the level of modding has to be considered, so a direct comparison is quite difficult. However, it is not at all uncommon to see A4 LS1's going 1.5 60 fts on internally-stock motors with a good converter, some bolt-ons, and DR's or better.

That's taking nothing away from TR's or TTA's - they are awesome cars in their own right - but a reality check might be in order. :)

I'll not argue the 12 sec stock TTA anymore. :)
Originally posted by Bob Cosby
I'm not trying to be arguementative here, but that statement is at best misleading, and at worst down right long.

I have to agree with you. I hang with a large group of lt1/ls1 owners and they all put up some impressive numbers, a few A4 cars I know of down here cut consistent 1.6-1.5's and even 1.4's leaving on some gas.

Trans brake-converter-spray=:eek:
I am not trying to be argumentive either...but IMHO that there is a lot of "over generalization" going on when I here comments that a sig number of LS-1 cars are capable of 13.0 flat or better on 1/4. Joe Blow driver with a A4 or Manual (even with practice) isn't going to nail down a 1.5-1.6 sec 60 ft time. Back in late 80s/early 90s there was a LX 5.0 Mustang 5spd (stock) that nailed a 13.8/13.9...when word was out...EVERY 5.0 Mustang was now a high 13 sec runner...NOT.

I think that the whole jest of the comparison is ultimately comparing apples with apples. BOTH TTAs (GNX) and LS-1s are capable performers in stock and modded form and can win a challenge on any given day given certain obvious variables. To say that a TTA is somehow unworthy to be compared to a LS-1 (REality??) is really pushing the envelope at the peril of any LS-1 owner. Maybe I live in delusion...but until I run up against a similiarly modded LS-1 (K/N, Custom Exhaust, Chip) that hands me my a@@--- my opinion will be based on real world experience. But then again how manny "Stock" TTAs/GNs are out there?:cool:
but IMHO that there is a lot of "over generalization" going on when I here comments that a sig number of LS-1 cars are capable of 13.0 flat or better on 1/4.

Bone stock? No. A few, but not many. With mods? Many dozens, more likely many hundreds. A good guage of LS1 performance can be viewed at (use the pull down menu for more specific lists).

Of note - I don't own an LS1, and I'm certainly not here to "defend" them or anything else. I am merely providing information.

Joe Blow driver with a A4 or Manual (even with practice) isn't going to nail down a 1.5-1.6 sec 60 ft time.

Of course not. Who said "he" was? However, with simple mods and tires, the cars are capable of it - mainly the A4's.

To say that a TTA is somehow unworthy to be compared to a LS-1 (REality??) is really pushing the envelope at the peril of any LS-1 owner.

Who said that - or even implied it? Please post who did, and please be specific. Thanks.

Enjoy your car.
No worries. I am not the "hard core" racer who dreams of track times and timeslips.. I would rather have some fun with an occasional challenge when "safety" and "common sense" dictates.

LS-1 and LT-1s are great motors...the former the best small block Chevy every produced. Nevertheless (opinion) I really don't care for the look of the 4th gen car... Now if they could throw an LS-1 in a 3rd gen IROC...I would be interested.