x2 learn to speak english.
also, it is one thing to replace a quarter pannel... however, it took me 2 years to find a nice set of doors for my cutlass. WHEN /IF you find a set of doors for the car expect them to cost anywhere between 400-600 bucks.
-500 doors uninstalled
-1000 weather strips and moldings installed
-500 to install the motor (includes some misc parts)
-150 freshen up the tranny
-50 freshen the rear
-3000 for a 1/2 descent paint job
-1000 correct rims and tires ( not even mounted and balanced )
-600 header pannel & head light bezel (after installation)
= $6800 off the bat
this is all assuming that the doors are the only rot spots, how are the rockers, the trunk pan, body mounts, cowl pannel, exhaust isnt rotted to death? battery dead? none of the lights are cracked? the header pannel and light bezel looks like ****. sitting outside for over 10 years, covered in leaves and what not... id safely assume the doors and paint job arent the only issue.
honestly, if i had 10k to spend- id buy a well built up g/n that is turn key ready to show off and beat on. i wouldnt buy your car for 3-4k and spend 6-7k to "fix up" my .02