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**2012 XTSM Results**


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The true 8 Second 109!
May 30, 2001
Thanks for all the participation from the racers and organizers of this event.

There were five cars that lived through racing Friday to qualify for XTSM on Saturday.

Qualifying order:
1. Jason White 5.913 @ 120.61
2. John Snyder 6.668 @ 114.54
3. JD Dilorenzo 6.717 @105.77
4. Patrick Broughton 7.108 @ 100.98
5. Richie Balcom 7.847 @ 82.01

First Round:

-Jason White Bye #1 qualifier

-Patrick Broughton gets win over JD (Broke ring gear)

-Richie Balcom vs John Snyder
Richie wins with a .198 RT 6.136 @ 96.82 vs John's .213 RT 7.435 @72.59

Second Round:
-Jason White vs Patrick Broughton
Jason gets the win with a .176 RT 5.848 @ 120.12 vs Patrick's .503 RT 7.144 @102.57

-Richie gets bye into finals

Final Round:
-Jason White vs Richie Balcom
Richie getst a holeshot win with a .079 RT 5.867 2 118.04 vs Jason's .088 RT 5.863 @ 120.35

Margin of victory was .0056 Close race!

Thanks again for all the participation!

Congrats Richie for the win and taking the Bounty as well as winnings home!

Here are some vids from the finals, Enjoy.

Jason, any details on if any of these cars were using a stage block? Were the winner and runner up using 67mm turbos or 70/71 mm turbos.

Thanks, Kip
Kip, no stage engines stepped up to play and there were three 71 turbo entries and two 67 turbo entries.

Winner and runner up were 71mm turbos.
Thank you sir Jason for the great write up. It was a blast to race with you guys.

Round 1 of Xtsm

I wonder who is the slo car in the Right lane is