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2019 Nationals! Lets Discuss Memorial Day Weekend!


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WIll you attend the 2019 Nationals if held on Memorial Day Weekend 2019?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 81.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
We have what appears to me to be a Major problem. I tried to make a reservation on line at the Best Western on Huffman Mill Rd.
There are NO rooms available during that time. I called and was told Elon books the entire hotel for graduation.
I’ve never stayed anywhere else, and have tons of reward points, so that is a serious disappointment.
Yeah....cant expect 10,000 people if there are no rooms. We will have to look into this for sure.
With the first post saying we need a higher than ever turnout due to rising fees, the lack of local hotel availability (including the usual hotels everyone is used to staying at) seems like this is setting up for disappointment. Even if its 30min away, you need a host hotel or two for everyone to gather.

Personally, I think having a car show at the track would attract a lot more people. The racers are going to show up regardless. Richards is not a good venue to display cars, especially if there was any rain during the week. A lot of people with nice cars leave the area early before the racing starts. I don't think people would mind paying a modest fee for the show either, never seems to hurt attendance at other shows. An early bird signup would guarantee the $ and give an idea of attendance.

Just my 2 cents.