i think it would be good for professors (maybe not students) to carry guns as long as they would be required to have a concealed permit and take some other sort of specialized training. only prob i see w/allowing anyone to carry is what happens when this guy does this and everyone goes ballistic and starts running around with a gun in hand looking for him. how do you tell who's the bad guy then, everyone has guns and no one is trained for properly dealing with this. however, since most professors in a given building generally know/work with each other and there are fewer of them it may be safer to have them go out since they would be less likely to shoot someone they knew by accident. universitys could even make this training a pre-req for employment. although, i go to a very liberal campus and im not sure how easy it would be finding a professor willing to play commando when the time comes. all i know is i wouldnt want some of the people in my classes carrying a gun, they're way too strange. maybe the only way students will ever be able to carry guns on campus will be illegally which may actually save someone if this happens again. its like the saying, "id rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6".