Antenna base nut and spacer for Power antenna with black trim $10
Control arms(Front lower)$50
Control arms(Front upper)$30
Gas Tank(Turbo gas tank) $40 WON'T ship pick up only
Heater box(Complete heater box, For AC car) $120
Heater box shield $15
PowerMaster to firewall adaptor(bracket) $30
power trunk mechinism $20
Steering box(87 GN Power steering ) $35
Sway Bars(GN sway bars) $25 each
Transmission cross member $40
84/85 Tranny dip stick and tube $40
86/87 Tranny dip stick and tube $45
Transmission oil pan(Stock 200 4r tranny pan) $25
84-85 T-type wheels $40 each or 4 for $120
windshield wiper motor $40
Best way to contact me is either PM or E mail
Fortune628@aol.com or Post here.