Yesterday I recieved the sender for a N/A Gbody, I wanted to see if a Supra double pumper was possible.
So today I dropped the tank again and did some R&D.
It looks like a side by side pump set up would NOT be possible.
[See a comparison pics of the pump opening compared to the single Supra/Denso pump.]
The N/A sender is IMO a great candidate for mods. If I was to attempt a double pumper I would have one pump mounted horizontally and the other mounted vertically
[See pic of how this would be oriented.] That would be the only way to get the pumps into the tank. The hanger would have to be modified to remove the vapor line and add a 3/8 line in its place. Or add second feed line and leave the vapor line where it is.
The other nice thing about these Spectra N/A hangers is you can easily remove the float arm and attach it after you drop the assembly into the tank, that is how I had to do this install. NO MORE notching the tank!
I read somewhere that the current draw of the Denso pump is 16A, I know that that has to be too much for the stock wiring of the sender, the rest could all be relayed using the existing harness, but how does one upgrade the hangar or sender wiring to accomodate the increased amperage??
Interesting you asked this....
So since I do not have two Supra pumps (yet, they are on the way) I decided to use the Supra pump attached to the N/A hanger in the horizontal position and upgrade the wiring.
I also used 10 AWG stranded copper wire that I got from Lowes of all places, its gasoline and oil resistant and says so on the jacket its some hard core stuff! The pump goes right in but angleing with all those baffles makes it a challenge I had to shorten the outlet line a 1/2 inch so the pump wouldnt stickout as far.
The N/A pump sender only has a single wire socket (for the gas gauge) so I drilled that out to 3/8 and used a plastic bushing to protect the wires.
I ran 10 gauge wire to the POS & NEG terminals fed them through the small hole I had to extended the gas gauge wire using some 14 gauge wire; I fed that through the hole too. There wasnt much room left so I put some epoxy and sealed the area up. [See pic.]
The N/A hanger has a ground wire attached with a ring terminal this must be used or the Fuel gauge will not work; I made a new ground connection for the hanger gas gauge by just sandwiching it betweent the tank strap/ bolt.
I ran the pump's POS wire directly to the 10 gauge wire on the hotwire relay and the pump's 10 gauge ground to the body where I had an exsisting ground already.
Took the car for a test drive flogged it a bit and it roars like a Lion.