7500 mile GN on eBay

All that means is that he installed the 145MPH speedo overlay. Hopefully he had it recalibrated instead of just using the ruducer but either way it still utalizes the sdtock odometer. If he didnt recalibrate it and just put the reducer on the mileage will be off but not by that much.
If it is the same set up as mine, which it appears to be than the reducer is between the upper cable and lower cable. It slows the upper cable speed. My odo reads something like 6 tenths per mile. So my car has more miles than it shows, probably the same for the e-bay car.
Yeah thats the problem with jsut buying the overlay with the reducer. If you buy it thru Kirban Performance though you send them your cluster and the install the overlay, and then send it out for recalibration to read MPH accuratly and to keep the mileage true.