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86 GN Turbo Movie Car Very Fast and Furious Car


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After all these comments,If he ever does get what he's asking ,everybody here is going to look like this.:eek: for like 2 days.+ some will look like this too :redface:
I just hope some one gets it + puts it away before the studio buys it back + uses it in fast + furious 9 or whatever # they are working on now,+ does irreperable damage to the tr,s.
Selling 35,000.0 MXN you get 2,864.70 USD
Buying 35,000.0 MXN you pay 2,869.11 USD

That's about right......:confused:


Dude....that's about 6000 Coronas in Mexico (or Dos Equis). I need a vacation.
Lots of hate on this board!;)

Really though, I don't care what he's asking. Heck, the more he gets the better. And as far as doing "Irrepairable Damage" to TRs, I really doubt it. Tell me how someone overpaying for a POS movie car (or not) is going to be a bad thing for our cars.

Or the fact that the car is in the movie in the first place. So the F&F crowd knows our cars a bit more. Maybe they'll stop saying "Nice Monte":mad:

Maybe it's just me but I kinda like when someone pulls next to me & gives me a thumbs up or yells nice car.
Although I can't tell you how many times guys ask me how much boost I'm running...(my license plate is HYBOOST)

So, If a guy in a civic pulls up & wants to race my GN because of the movie,,,,,,,wait,, that always happens even before the movie! Better than the 30 something in the Honda mini van pulling next to me & reving... :D
You almost had me? You never had me - you never had your car... Granny shiftin' not double clutchin' like you should. You're lucky that hundred shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me?

Now, me and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block... and replace the piston rings you fried.

Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning.


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You almost had me? You never had me - you never had your car... Granny shiftin' not double clutchin' like you should. You're lucky that hundred shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me?

Now, me and the pud science class drop out got to rip apart the block... and replace the piston return springs and kanute valves you fried.

Ask any ricer. Any real ricer. It don't matter if you whine about your inch or loosing by a mile. Whining whining.

New version......:wink:
Hector: Wait, hold up, hold up. Look at this snowman right here, man
Hector: [walks over to Brian] Sweet ride! Whatcha runnin' under there, man?
Hector: [Brian grins] You're gonna make me find out the hard way?
Brian: Hell yeah!
Hector: You're brave! You're brave! They call me Hector. Gotta last name too, but I can't pronounce it
Brian: [shakes Hectors hand] Brian Spilner.
Hector: Typical white boy name, know what I mean?
worked in the Movie industry for several year. Brother and several friends are stunt men and stunt coordinators Dennis "Danger Matalon is one of hollywoods biggest coordinators.

Have been a production coordinator and executive Producer on several films and have friends that are Transportation coordinators Bottom line at least 4 car were rented or purchased for the movie Primary car is never damaged usely owned by studio picture cars or a couple of other companys out in san fernado valley the other cars are purchased and dupued to look like the prop car. when a car is go to be damaged it it is more than likely a cheap and I mean cheap copy 100 paint job fuel tank removed cell installed and cage install with 5 point harness These are sold off for what ever they can get and sometimes they are even given away to a tow company for free removal the point is the car that you see in close ups short chases are owed by a prop/picture car company More than likely all but one of these car are fakes and it the "picture car" thats worth the money just for edification not a slam on anyone
Dom: Waddaya got there?
Brian: This is your car.
Dom: My car? I said a 10 second car, not a 10 minute car.
Brian: No faith.
Dom: Oh, I have faith in you, but this isn’t a junkyard, this is a garage.
Brian: Pop the hood.
Dom: Pop the hood?
Brian: Pop the hood.
Jesse: 2JZ engine, no ****.
Brian: What did I tell you?
Dom: I retract my previous statement.
Jesse: This will decimate all AFTER you put about fifteen grand in it or more, and if we have to, overnight parts from Japan.
Dom: Put it on my tab at Harry’s. I gotta get you racing again so I can make some money off your ass. There’s a showdown in the desert next week, and that’s where you’ll do it. And another thing, when you’re not working at Harry’s you’re working here. If you can’t find the right tool in this garage, Mr. Arizona, you don’t belong near a car.
Mia: He owns you now.
They had the original car over at volo auto museum i looked at it and it was an 84 not sure if they still have it there it was a couple of years ago.
Why does some actor who presumably is quite good at his trade,cause an escalation to the price of this unfinished looking car to such an absurd level ?
Mind, to be fair I have never heard of him and the last movie I went to was jurassic park . We have some rooster here called peter jackson --lives say 10 miles away . Made a few movies --not sure what they are and don`t give a toss.If he had some flash car to sell , would I want it --Not because it was his .
Good movie maker , actor , mechanic, dentist or welder --whose car would you pay more for ? the best for the buck one by my reckoning .
This is Nothing new.


You are wrong for posting that. Go look at the cars for sale forum ads. If you can find 1 yes 1 thread that has gotten out of hand let me know.:rolleyes:

This is the only 1.....

You bitch and complain about things here all the time, if it is so bad go find somewhere else to play.


You are wrong for posting that. Go look at the cars for sale forum ads. If you can find 1 yes 1 thread that has gotten out of hand let me know.:rolleyes:

This is the only 1.....

You bitch and complain about things here all the time, if it is so bad go find somewhere else to play.


I don't think David was bitching Ty, I think he was just saying that picking on someone we have a tendency to pick peoples cars apart. In this case it should be since it's a so called "movie car". No proof shown but he has stated that it would be provided with the car. If it's the real deal then show the proof instead of say it will be provided when you get the car. That's just BS and if you're so shallow that you want to own something that's nothing more than stripped car that's been modified to do stunts and not drive able Then you deserve what you get.

You are wrong for posting that. Go look at the cars for sale forum ads. If you can find 1 yes 1 thread that has gotten out of hand let me know.:rolleyes:

This is the only 1.....

You bitch and complain about things here all the time, if it is so bad go find somewhere else to play.


You are seriously going to say that it doesn't happen here.:confused:

What do i "bitch and complain about" "all the time"?

You have 6 pages of bashing and you come to me with this Bullshi t, thats some BS right there.
Where is that Wambulance picture when you need it?
Here it is LOL.


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