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9x11 $$$ ever spent!!!


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Vader 87

May 25, 2001
I just wanted to say this converter is awesome!!! PTE53 spools instantly and pulls like mad at only 12psi and 93 octane. Im VERY impressed. It locks up quick and hard. Im going to the track the 19th to see what it'll do. I have to say its the best money ive spent on the car so far. Jason Mizell

Keep us posted on the PTE-53 and 9/11. I still kick myself for loosing that turbo by $ I got my 9/11 3200 installed with my TA-49 and only have a little lag. I'll be installing a PTE-52 in a few weeks.
Chuck you have lag with a 3200 stall TA49???....My 9x11 is 3000-3200 and was originally setup for my TA49 and it works great for the 53 so far.
I didnt tell Bruce in time to have the stall changed for the PTE53.
Lag may be the wrong explanation but all I did was rebuild the tranny and install the 3200 9/11 and now it takes more RPMS to get the car moving. Any ideas? I know that going with a bigger turbo can cause lag. I'll be installing a PTE-52 in a month or two.
I would suggest putting it on then tuning to it. I will work with ya as far as converter is concerned.
lets wait and see...:)

Originally posted by Chuck
Lag may be the wrong explanation but all I did was rebuild the tranny and install the 3200 9/11 and now it takes more RPMS to get the car moving. Any ideas? I know that going with a bigger turbo can cause lag. I'll be installing a PTE-52 in a month or two.

Thats the convertor not the turbo. Thats why I hate stall convertors. Its the convertor slipping causing you to give it more gas to get the car moving.
Thanks for the quick response guys. The slipping converter does make since. Will this be as bad once I install a bigger turbo like the 52 or 53?

Vader I didn't mean to step on your toes with this thread.

See this was my point in the other post. When you bolt on your new turbo you will see. You have just what you need when you step up. If it is a little slippy with the 49 52,53 is gonna love it. You watch. :)

(And thats why we provide a stall speed adjust free within the first year. All combos are different and react differently)

Man... Jason's car is a whole different car since he put that 9x11 in it. It pulls so much harder at 12psi on 93 octane.. I about crapped in my pants.. =) Well worth the money.... Can't wait to see some numbers!!!
how much did you spend for the 9x11 converter? i'm changing mine soon and dont know if i want to go with this set up or the 10". money may be the deciding factor. also, who did you buy it from. thanx any info will help...:)
Bruce from Performance trans. is the man to contact. I'm sure he'll reply to this thread. I was in your shoes and I'll tell you the 9x11 is the best bang for the buck as converters go. Plus, you get a free 1 year restall. Bruce is a stand up guy and a great vender to deal with.

Good luck,

Always good to hear... Thanks Chuck...(blushing)

And 1grand86....
Look up 4 posts. Thats me.... I don't like to promote here just solve problems but whoever it is that is looking, I have the product when you are ready.:)
Also, you can, if you like, go to and fill out a tech sheet at anytime with no obligation...:) I will personally get back to you :)

Hey Bruce, what is the advertised stall of a 9/11 with the part number of 4132?
I want to make sure this converter is mine and not my dad's converter before I install it, we ordered different stall speeds ya know.

They should be marked one

One said Sr stamped on it I thought. Anyway 4132 is JR and 4133 is Dad. I am very sorry for the confusion. Good luck and have fun....:)

10-4, I see it now...very faint stamping. Don't sweat the confusion on the converters, **** happens all the time!
Sorry to jump in on this thread with an off-topic question.


Whenever I ordered my convertor, the spec sheet I filled out listed basically a stock motor with a T-70. Well,...since, I've totally changed my combo. I was wondering if you could pull my sheet and see about what my convertor stalled at....and then advise me as to about what it needed to be given the new combo. Reply here or shoot me an e-mail at
