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adding alcohol to turbo LS motor


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Still plays with cars!
Apr 18, 2002
wanted to add alky to my turbo 6.0 LS motor, (LQ4) currently limited to 8psi boost.
what would control the progressive alky amount? car is a buick, but was not an orig turbo car,
I am using a GM computer for eng / trans management. ( HP Tuner) on a 2003 silverado computer.
Adding alky meaning a kit from Razor or something else?
yes, an alky kit, I believe its a razors kit, ( will have to go look)
are they boost referenced?
or what controls the amount, or is it a fixed amount?
prefer to use pump gas,and alky, not straight alcohol fuel ( E85)
If it's razors kit it's boost referenced using a map sensor
Cruzn since we had to rebuild the T Type motor I am seriously looking at E85. All I need is the 120 pph injectors and I can use the FAST unit I have and the double pumpers in the tank already.

You should be able to put a flex fuel sensor in that thing, run bigger injectors and bigger pump ( depending on what you have ) and go for it.
no body here in town has E85, so that idea is difficult.

I want to turn up the boost , as only doing 8lbs now,
wonder what 15 lbs will feel like?
Any 0-5v reference will control the progressive alky controller as long as volts go up as more alky is needed ie map sensor. You set psi that it turns on, you control how hard it sprays when it does turn on, and you also control how aggressively it ramps up with boost. You can basically curve it for any car. I've even used a stock tpi maf voltage reference signal to control an alky kit. Progressive spray on an n/a car.
You build the kit with a 2 bar map sensor if your going to keep the boost under 15. Or 2.5 if boost under 22.5
On LS motors single nozzle kits are good to 12-14 psi. Past that.. they go to a twin.
Mount the nozzles before the IAT and control timing based on temp.
I do a lot of LS motor kits.. primarily the C5/C6/C7/CTSV/5th gen Fbod's.

If its a used kit, get the pump freshened.. everything should work from the GN kit except the MAP sensor since it needs to be lower. Maybe the reservoir depending on your turbo kit's downpipe and where the reservoir sits.
