And I bet you tell the tech at the race track that you have water in the coolant overflow, your coolant resevoir is not an approved fuel cell. Nor is it properly mounted, or far away enough from ignition sources to pass tech. And yes when it comes to safety I do become a little parinoid, it's when you put the small things aside something stupid happens. My 64 GTO race car runs 8.40 N/A @ 165MPH, I have Halon fire supression unit in it for both under hood and in the driver compartment. Ask Arnie Beswick and Bob Motz about fire safety, both those guys got burnt up pretty bad, spent months in the hospital, and are scared for life. Both are lucky to be alive. Can you imagine the pain they suffered. Arnie's car blew up on the return road after he took off his helmet and gloves and unzipped his jacket. You shouldn't chastize me for being a little parinoid, you could learn something.