Adjusting the Adjustable Servo Pin


junior member
Oct 22, 2007
How do you go about adjusting the adjustable servo pin on the new PTS Extreme Servo? To be more exact, where do you apply air to make the band apply? Do you apply air to the end of the pin itself? :confused: I understand the part about "keeping adding the thin shims provided till you cannot turn output shaft backwards by hand clockwise. Once you get to the point of the shaft not turning , remove one shim (thin ones) and you are good to go. Each shim is about .030". Thanks for any help!!
You are correct..and on the right track

If you need anymore assistance, I am always here for you. Give us a call and I will walk you through it if you are still not completely comfortable. If time of day is a factor, call my cell at 916-952-9567 up till 10 pm PST. Please remember that I am on the west coast so be careful in the early morning. But I am good till 10pm pst if you need me. As far as where to air ck, shine a light through the vb side of the case into the servo passage. You will see where to air ck it through that hole. I wish I had a pic handy but I don't. If you need a diagram, let me know and I will make one up. Man I can't wait till the instructional servo install DVD is done. Sorry guys for the delay on instructions but they are in process. You all know why I am behind, but I am just lucky to be alive!!
Hope this helps and good luck.
Performance Transmission Services

BTW: My service mark is Xtreme Servo not Extreme servo. I know it is stupid, but that is the actual service mark on the product. Just for info :smile:
Just want to add I have Bruce's servo in and working well!! Kind of clunks on the 3-2 but we know that can happen without the big spring(not as bad the the old super servo days). Bruce's pin eliminates it. One question....should I be using the hardened band anchor since the big spring is gone? I am currently not.
It is a good idea...but...

Just want to add I have Bruce's servo in and working well!! Kind of clunks on the 3-2 but we know that can happen without the big spring(not as bad the the old super servo days). Bruce's pin eliminates it. One question....should I be using the hardened band anchor since the big spring is gone? I am currently not.

Is it absolutly needed? I would say "no", but if you ever look at a stock pin it has a groove down low and they are cast so they do often snap. Will yours break? Hell, I don't know, but for $28.95 you can make SURE and not have to go back into unit to fix or worry about.
Just to clarify, the anchor pins we sell and produce, we make out of 300M metal material and process. They are not just HARDENED! Also, we make a .010 oversize pin for those cases that have worn in the pin bore. We also make them longer so you can adjust to set flush at case and VB plate.
Hope this helps,
Performance Transmission Services