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Jul 2, 2012
In 2012, I sold a car, and took in on partial trade another car + cash.
I was paid in full except for the last $4,000, which the buyer agreed to pay me in $400 per month payments for 10 months. Payments were seldom made...I am still owed $1200

In fairness, this guy did have some life changing events since buying the car, namely a new child and losing his job (twice)…so I tried to take the higher road and be patient, I even waived a payment as a gift to him for his new child.

BUT since he has owed me this debt, he seems to have found the money for two other new vehicles.

Over the years I even helped this guy wrench on his car, helped him move and put together a playgroung for his kids etc...

This guy has in the past called me names for occasionally reminding him of this debt…but him buying new toys while he owes me is just too much, he also had the nerve to tell me a couple weeks ago he sold the car I sold him in 2012 for $7k more than I sold to him and still said he couldnt pay me!…I’m done being walked on.

I have only the car sale to prove a transaction took place, I do have a hand written note from him outlining the payment plan, but nothing signed by both of us. I do have it in text messages between us that he owes me this money.

Do I have any legal recourses at this point or am I just screwed out of this money?
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Sounds like you probably have a case. The text messages will be helpful. Keep sending them to him and save all replies. The more you have the better. Good luck. I hate deadbeats that throw that kind of stuff in your face...been there too many times. I havent spoken to a long time friend in years over something very similar to your story.

Sounds like a pretty cheap lesson. Id use it as that and know this guy isn't good to do business with.
Experience isn't free and this one wasn't that expensive.
Is the $1200.00 after the waived payment, or does he owe you $800.00 after you waived the payment? Don't argue with him and start demanding unless you are really ready to take him to court, I would tell him that to make it easier on him, your going to make it $100.00 - $200.00 a month until the debt is paid, as you'll catch more flies with honey. If he is still making it complicated by telling you to eff off, then take him to court, and save all your correspondence with him as already mentioned be it texts, emails or voicemails...
Life changing events? This dude is a typical dick beater. He called you names for reminding him of his debt? Sounds like a real winner. Time to get off the internet and go to the court house. Worst case you will win and he will have to pay you in small increments. If you want to really hammer him go on Facebook and message everyone on his page. Let them know he's a dick beater.

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The $1200 is after the waived payment. FYI...this person is a member on this site.

I appreciate the feedback. I will give him one more chance to repay. If that does not work I will explore either small claims and/or seek out a lawyer
If he is a member let him know that you will light him up publicly on the board
He's a Douchebag.

Always has been and always will be

You are lucky to have gotten what you did.

He had the balls to tell you he made 7k on the car you sold him and didn't pay?

So he has a kid, big deal.

Smash him. The end.

Files small claims. He will get served buy the local Sherriff or someone similar. That a lot of times scares the sh&t out of people like that. If not go to court. Don't waste your money on a lawyer, a good layer will tell you the same thing. Once at court you will go to mediation before going in front of a Judge. They will want you to settle. Settle for only what's owed to you or go see the Judge. Small claims is not just about documentation and proof which you have some. It will be about who the Judge believes. Believe it or not it will be hard for someone like him to convincingly lie to a Judge. It will cost you a small amount to file for small claims which you will get back along with your settlement money.

You sound like a good person so taking this step will be something different for you but make it simple for the other guy. Pay me or we go to court. You may be doing him a favor when you teach him respect and responsibility.

Having kids and losing jobs is a part of life and you cut him some slack which I respect. Selling the car for a $7000 profit and not paying you then and there is disrespect.

Do NOT slander him in any way in public or on the net. Stand up to him and state your intentions then follow though with it. Don't play games with a game player.
The $1200 is after the waived payment. FYI...this person is a member on this site.

I appreciate the feedback. I will give him one more chance to repay. If that does not work I will explore either small claims and/or seek out a lawyer
You don't need a lawyer for small claims. This a guaranteed win anyway. The only thing to mediate is the payment plan.

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You should never supply the title until paid in full,and then he would not have been able to sell the car either.
He made his problems your problem. That's typical in the agreement you made. $1200 is a lesson learned. Its called street smarts and is cheaper than a college education. Learn and move on. Your time in the court sytem is to valuable for $1200. Nothing stopping you a year from now from taking a baseball bat to the kneecaps as he walks out a Jiffy store. Wear a mask. ;)
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A small claims judgment is just a piece of paper saying you won.....collecting is a whole 'nother ball game. What Rob said....lesson learned and move on, people in general are crooked. Don't waist your time or are obviously the better person.
A small claims judgment is just a piece of paper saying you won.....collecting is a whole 'nother ball game. What Rob said....lesson learned and move on, people in general are crooked. Don't waist your time or are obviously the better person.
What^^He ^^ said,but I would let everyone know who it is so it doesn't happen to someone else.
Cut all ties with the guy and be done with it.

$1200 won't change your life one way or the other.
Small claims would be worth my time, I'll tell you. Keep everything in writing as far as communications with this booger dick.

His last name isn't "Gunn" is it?

Bruce '87 Grand National
I'm one of those people that would rather just move on with my life than deal with drama or situations that bring nothing but stress and negatives in my life.

But, if I feel like I've been wronged beyond a reasonable justification then the feeling of being off center is worse than dealing with the problem. I'll take the lessor of the two evils and deal with it.

Small claims is definitely worth your time if you feel like it will give you some resolve. I don't mean just getting your money back. Sometimes it's more about doing the right thing.

Only you know this answer.
I was on the "move on with my life" train of thinking. There were a couple of things that happened lately that made me rethink how I have let him treat me.

1. He couldn't wait to tell me that he sold the car he owed me money on, and sold if for more than he bought it from me...and still didn't pay me.

2. He keeps showing off his new new vehicles he as bought since he has owed me.

3...the final straw...I saw him last weekend and offered to take some parts off his hands that he has had for years in lieu of the $1200....he responded only with a fat joke "If you can do 50 push-ups we will do that"