after 12 years some pics

thanks guys. the WH1 is mine. And yes its hot out there. after being here in cally i have lost my resistance to the high heat out there.
That WH1 looks good without the badges! Might just have to take mine off now that I know what it would look like!!

All three look nice!
Nice cars for sure.. congrats.

Looks like u could squeeze a lil 1/8 mile run there as well:biggrin:
All of them look great. Love that WH1, Does any Buick guru know why the WH1 was not produced in '87?
Yes its tucson. We all did a launch at the end but the camera died and only saved the part where we started them up. Gayyyyyyyy
i just noticed rich only posted two of the three motors. whats with that? my hotair to slow?