Age of TR owners

Age of TR owners

  • less than 18

    Votes: 23 3.9%
  • 19-25

    Votes: 108 18.1%
  • 26-30

    Votes: 87 14.6%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 214 35.8%
  • 41-50

    Votes: 85 14.2%
  • 51-60

    Votes: 64 10.7%
  • 61+

    Votes: 16 2.7%

  • Total voters
First 84 T-type=22 yrs old. Second 84 T-type=30 yrs old.Older now but not wise enough to buy an intercooled car.I sure do love my Hot air!:D
The big 58. Got ny first one in '86. An '85 factory exec car. Have had one ever since. Still have the bug.:cool:
Originally posted by savage6

WTF!!!?!?! How did you do that?

Just curious, I'm 18 and would like to own a GNX in a year too!!;)

Alot of hard work, and smart investing....
I am 33 now and have owned one since I was 21. Man, where does time go?!
I started driving my car when i was 17. It was my parents car and whenever they went out to do something, i used to jump in the car and take it for a quick ride before they got back. Got caught a couple of times too. :D Needless to say, i ended up buying it off of them the beginning of last year when i was 21.
I am now 21. Got my GN when I was 16, it had 27K miles on it. Yeah, you could say I was pretty happy, considering it was my first car. :D
got my car about 5 months ago when i was just a little over 15, after about 3 year of getting to know everything ii could possibly learn about them ,it was an 85 GN 65,000 miles kept in a climate controlled garage and only driven in the rain when the previouse owner got cought in it, now i have the bug and couldnt imagine not having it.
I bought the GN, I have now in 1996 I was 34 (I'm 42 now) I couldn't afford one when they came out in the 80's but I did have a 70GS and a 72GS at the time which is what I have driven for the past 25 years except for the GN. I had admired the black cars from the Buick dealership down the street but I was in love with the GS's and couldn't afford a GN.

When I bought the GN in '96 I was in the market for a 67GS, but the guy that had the one that I wanted was out of the country for 3 months I got tired of waiting and saw a ad in the paper for the GN so I thought hey why not I went for a test ride and that was all it took.
I now own both cars, it's the best of both worlds!

Now that my son is going on 16 the GN will soon be his and I will then be in the market for another one so we'll be a three Buick family!:cool:
I bought a 85 "T" for my 19th. birthday, wich was stolen aboout 7 mos. after I bought it :mad: . I then just bought a nother "T" a few mos. ago for my 20th Bday. This time it was an 87 with 68,000 on the odometer. Best thing is the lady I bought it off of was about 59. ;)
Graduated high school in 1988 and told myself I'd own a GN one day after watching the TR's tear around our town for a year or so. Joined the military in 1989, deployed to Desert Storm in 1990-1991, came home with a boat load of $$$ and picked up my GN from the original owner who was going through a divorce at the time. Funny thing was I called the guy from Saudi Arabia to inquire about it:) I'd be willing to bet the median age of this poll is 35 years old....just the right age to have been old enough to drive back then and smart enough to want one.
Just once I wish someone would start a "how long have you owned the same TR" thread!

I bought my '84 T-Type exactly 20 years, 9 months & 5 days ago...Come December 2nd, it'll be officially "legal"!

I was 29 when I bought it...I turned 50 in July.
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, where does the time go? :eek:
Bought my first TR in 1997 when I was 26...

I am currently 33 and on my 7th Turbo Regal.. It's a 1987 Turbo T with a chrome package.

Everytime I sold one of them, I was looking for another a week later.. You'd think I'd learn wouldn't you?

39,, Saw my first GN while I was stationed in Norfolk Va. Could'nt afford one new and for a long time I could'nt afford one used. Bought my first GN in 94 when I was 31. It ony had 36,000miles,,,,now ten years later it only has 41,000miles. I was able to keep the miles low on the GN by only driving the T-Type.

Like a lot of people on this board I liked them when they were new and I like them just as much when hey are 20 plus.
I'm 25, and have had mine for about 10 months now. And it actually ran for 2 of those ;)

I'd wanted one since I got my a$$ handed to me in the Chevelle by a (now ex)GF in her fathers GN about 8 years ago. WS6 got stolen, I needed a replacement, friend was selling a nicely worked GN, and it all fell into place :)
my first buick was a 87 turbo -t when i was 25 i've had 4gn since one stolen:mad: ( it ran mid 11s) and i now own an 87 gn with more alarms than cylinders-but my therapist said it was ok:D .

carlos .........i'm 35 now