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Alky kit stopped working


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1984 t-type

Murphy's Law
Jul 11, 2010
Was riding along side of a 09 corvette last Saturday night for about a quarter mile at what some may consider a high rate of speed when I looked over at the scanmaster and saw a couple degrees of knock. Let off instantly which hurt my hart by the way because I almost had him. Hit the test button the next morning and nothing, kit worked fine before but now nothing no light no alky spraying, where do I start ? Thanks in advance.
is the LED on the main controller lit ?
if not check the power is getting to the unit and that wire didnt come out of the fusebox ,
also check the inline fuse (newer kit )
on older kits the fuse is a tube glass style on the power block and it has a screw in fuse cap which if it was never tightened properly could have come loose
Led is not lit. I will check the fuse when I get home, I do believe it has the glass one. Thanks
Ok will do that when I get home, but I followed razors instructions, it's on the pass side bumper mount.
Someone asked me that before and told me how to check and from what they said it was an updated one
If the LED is not lit, you have no power. So you have a blown fuse on your fuse box, blown fuse on PAC controller, terminal popped out of fuse box, you lost ground to controller.

If the led is dead... Go find why the unit has no Power to it
Thanks razor. I will post my findings later today or tomorrow. Thanks for the fast responses guys. Going out looking for that Corvette again Saturday night, us turbo buicks have a reputation to uphold.
Ok I know it's not alky related but maybe u guys can help me out with this one. I just got home and pulled the car out of the garage to Check my fuses as recommend for my alky system and I noticed a new problem, my in car fuel gauge steadily falling from 43 to 0. She usually holds steady for weeks on in. Looked under the hood and noticed fuel leaking from the fuel rail between the regulator and the number 1 injector. What could be the cause of this new problem ?
Ok the light on the controller comes on the glass fuse is good and grounds seem good. This is starting to scare me
Here's my newest finding. On the black box with the glass fuse there are three terminals ( + - o ) if I put my meter across ( + and - ) I get nothing on the meter. If I go across ( + and o ) I get 12 volts. And if I go across ( + and a chassis ground ) I get 12 volts. I have my power wires connected to (+) ground wires to (-) and the bare twisted silver wire to (o). Does this all seem correct ?